Raising Different Slots (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> Raising Different Slots (4/5/2013 23:07:21)

Buddy Slots: I could really use this =/ I am always stuck deleting people who I talk to everyday and or adding people. Can this be raised?
Inventory Slots: Can we raise the base of inventory slots when you begin? I think this would definitely be beneficial with the different ways that you can buy weapons (with credits or varium) which creates a lot of more possibilities to buy weapons.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Raising Different Slots (4/6/2013 1:14:33)


I hate having to say goodbye to friends DX

theholyfighter -> RE: Raising Different Slots (4/6/2013 2:06:13)

For Buddy List, Yes.
For Inventory, No.

Reason? Since no matter how much, it surely takes up a bit more memory for the database. As for Inventory, there isn't much difference besides Rarity score than getting tons of items. For buddy, yes. I'm having trouble with it too.

Demon Emperor -> RE: Raising Different Slots (4/6/2013 14:37:23)

More buddy list room would be great. Paying var to get more slots on your buddy list is way too expensive, and while it should still be an option, 10 slots to start isn't enough.

I don't really care about the inventory space increase idea. theholyfighter brings up a good point, and I don't have enough weapons to be running out of space yet.

Melbourne -> RE: Raising Different Slots (4/8/2013 10:56:40)

You hate deleting people on your friends list but you don't seem to care kicking people from your faction the minute they join :( Twice :(

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Raising Different Slots (4/8/2013 12:00:31)

As much as i would like that there are still problems because of the varium users.
This will encorage people to pay because buddy list is varium only :/

Warmaker04 -> RE: Raising Different Slots (4/8/2013 16:44:56)

Melbourne -
Completelly agreed.
What about if buddy lists minimal ammount reachs 20?

theholyfighter -> RE: Raising Different Slots (4/9/2013 10:49:15)

To clarify, what's the base amount of buddy slots?

axell5 -> RE: Raising Different Slots (4/9/2013 11:53:57)


LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Raising Different Slots (4/9/2013 18:57:49)

Buddy lists and my faction are two different things, I have high expectations.
On Track: Axel I agree raising it slowly would be the best.

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