Cyber Hunter (Full Version)

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theholyfighter -> Cyber Hunter (4/6/2013 4:14:05)

First of all, apologies for those other threads about SC. I'll try to put them all here.

Basically, there are 3 options for Static Charge's change.

Option 1.

Static Charge:
1. Base Energy Amount Granted
Lvl 1~3: 3 Base Energy
Lvl 4~6: 4 Base Energy
Lvl 7~10: 5 Base Energy

2. Blockability

-Strike Damage: Blockable
-Energy Regen: Unblockable

Option 2.


Field Medic----------Cheap Shot----------EMP Grenade
Plasma Armor------Static Charge------Defense Matrix
Plasma Grenade--Massacre-------------Venom Strike

Static Charge:
-Passive Skill
-Gives energy depending on how much damage you did.
-Adds a Support Requirement, 42 at MAX.

Calculation: 3+[(damage)*(lvl corresponding percentage)]
Basically, it means that you have a base energy regen amount of 3.

Lvl 1: 3%
Lvl 2: 5%
Lvl 3: 7%
Lvl 4: 10%
Lvl 5: 11%
Lvl 6: 12%
Lvl 7: 13%
Lvl 8: 14%
Lvl 9: 15%
Lvl10: 16%

-In place of Shadow Arts
-Adds synergy

Option 3.



Field Medic----------Cheap Shot----------EMP Grenade
Plasma Armor------Static Charge------Defense Matrix
Multi-Shot-----------Malfunction-----------Venom Strike
Plasma Grenade--Massacre-------------Bargain



Reduces your skill's energy cost by a %. Does not affect Massacre.

Lvl 1: 5%
Lvl 2: 8%
Lvl 3: 11%
Lvl 4: 14%
Lvl 5: 17%
Lvl 6: 20%
Lvl 7: 23%
Lvl 8: 26%
Lvl 9: 29%

Option 5.


Static Charge

Deals 50% strike damage. Adds an amount to your energy pool.
-Energy Required: 0 (No Cost)
-Cooldown: 3
-Damage: Blockable
-Energy grant: Unblockable
-Progression depends on Character Level:

Level 1: 5
Level 2: 7
Level 3: 9
Level 4: 11
Level 5: 12
Level 6: 13
Level 7: 14
Level 8: 15
Level 9: 16
Level 10: 17

Improves With: Strength (+1 Energy per 10 Strength)



Plasma Grenade:
-Base damage increases by 3.
-Energy cost decreases by 3

axell5 -> RE: Static Charge- 3 Choices (4/6/2013 4:17:54)

the only thing that should be buffed about static charge is thet it should give static amount of EP per level like level 10-15 energy back, not level 10- you do 5 damage=>2energy back

theholyfighter -> RE: Static Charge- 3 Choices (4/6/2013 4:30:04)

^Sorry then you should put it in another suggestion... Besides your idea needs more of a way of calculation and things, not just "Level 10-->15 energy".

axell5 -> RE: Static Charge- 3 Choices (4/6/2013 9:54:29)

well static means fixed so i think the energy you gain should be fixed and not by the amouunt of damage you deal

theholyfighter -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/6/2013 9:58:48)

^You can look up in the dictionary. Static=/= fixed. Besides, so what? The name shouldn't decide the fate of the skill.

axell5 -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/6/2013 10:14:41)

by fixed i mean it's the same.

theholyfighter -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/6/2013 10:29:49)

......I know fix can mean the same. I was saying that Static DOES NOT mean the same.

axell5 -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/6/2013 10:54:37)

then what does static mean if your so smart?

Midnightsoul -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/6/2013 17:03:46)

Option 5 is the most recommended. It fits the purpose the best, but I don't like it improving it with str. How about it scales with nothing except level? That way, it more useable with support builds and str builds equally.

EDIT: Feel free to make CH threads, I don't mind them as long it's not like know? xD

Mother1 -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/6/2013 19:10:07)

@ midnightsoul

There is no way you can make something that works with actual damage work like that. Because in the description it says adds an amount of your damage to your energy pool. If it works with actual damage if the attack is blocked then you are doing 0 damage. Any amount of 0 is 0 so it doesn't even make sense to make it work with actual damage yet have the effect unblockable and the damage blockable. No damage = no energy gain.

Only way this would work is if it worked with raw damage, but then again that would be giving the old static charge a buff and would make Cyber hunter OP again.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/6/2013 19:56:07)


You just attack and the energy just goes in depending how much you've invested. It's a regular amount, not based on the percentage of damage you do. Think of fireball.

theholyfighter -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 10:19:36)


Every when something about CHs having a fixed energy amount you say they'll be Oped.
The ONLY reason that CHs were Oped b4 is because of "Raw strike damage", not because of a "fixed amount". Before, CHs can get about 18 energy at MAX easily, which is Oped. Now, getting 5 energy is common for a MAX SC.


Mother1 -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 10:26:18)

@ theholyfighter

I wasn't talking about that. I was explaining how your 5th idea didn't make sense to me. You were saying that you were working with actual damage yet the energy effect was unblockable. My question and point I was bring up was if the energy gain is based off of part of that actual damage how can you gain energy back if it is blocked? 0 percent of anything is 0 so even if the energy gain part is unblockable how could you gain energy if it works with actual damage?

theholyfighter -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 10:27:46)


Deals 50% strike damage. Adds an amount to your energy pool.
-Energy Required: 0 (No Cost)
-Cooldown: 3
-Damage: Blockable
-Energy grant: Unblockable
-Progression depends on Character Level:


Level 1: 5
Level 2: 7
Level 3: 9
Level 4: 11
Level 5: 12
Level 6: 13
Level 7: 14
Level 8: 15
Level 9: 16
Level 10: 17

Improves With: Strength (+1 Energy per 10 Strength)

You misunderstood this I guess... I see the flaw in this statement that causes misunderstanding.


Deals 50% strike damage. Adds an amount to your energy pool.

Level 1: 5
Level 2: 7
Level 3: 9
Level 4: 11
Level 5: 12
Level 6: 13
Level 7: 14
Level 8: 15
Level 9: 16
Level 10: 17

Improves With: Strength (+1 Energy per 10 Strength)


Adds an amount to your energy pool

This statement refers to strike damage.

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 14:52:58)

Give CH assimilation same as TM. [;)]

axell5 -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 15:00:10)

but assimilation needs a staff?

ansh0 -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 15:01:12)

Then remove malfunction.

axell5 -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 15:06:02)

@ansh0 then how TMs got assim, reroute AND malf?

ansh0 -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 15:12:12)

Because TM don't have a passive armor like CH do.

axell5 -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 15:14:19)

well they got 2 skill EP regains+ a core, i think assim should replace static

ND Mallet -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 15:14:34)

@ansh0 CHs don't have a passive energy regen like TMs do. And getting 17 energy back to heal over 30 health is more than 10-12 resistance from a passive shield(and one that gets ignored with rage and crits, a luxury that Reroute doesn't have to worry about).

ansh0 -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 15:21:12)

Then CH would be unbeatable.


One of them has to go(in addition to SA).

If CH were to get assim, I demand TM to get a passive armor.

Ranloth -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 15:25:10)

Hence why CHs won't get Assimilation, or get SC anywhere near as powerful as Assimilation. Once can argue Assimilation is better than SC when it comes to EP returned, but EMP is much better EP drain than Assimilation + unblockable at that. Assimilation does both, not just one.

Master Smasher -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 15:58:10)

but you can't ignore that fact that assim. doesn't take the mana, it steals it, making it IMO the best energy draining skill

Ranloth -> RE: Cyber Hunter (4/10/2013 16:02:28)

It's a stronger version of SC that doesn't depend on damage (like old SC) and has EP drain built in although not as good.

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