Exploding Penguin -> RE: Plasma Bolt (4/9/2013 18:55:11)
Did you look at my character page? I'm a merc right now and I've been one for a majority of Omega, and I'm faring quite well as semi-support focus with 9 surg. Against classes with an EP remover, caster is near useless as you can just heal out of it and constantly remove EP every 2 turns. Because reroute is predictable, you can take advantage of it and manipulate it in your favor so your opponent never gets enough energy to use plasma bolt. Also, casters tend to, near the endgame, gamble the entire win off of a last plasma bolt. They're skrewed if you use energy storm/energy shot and mess them up to a point where healing would just slow down their loss. The class can only deal solid damage for at max up to turn 4, then it's pretty much sealed. And when I said exceptionally strong, I meant that they're past an average win rate of 70%, not that they're weak right now. And I still stick with my statement that TM is currently one of the weaker classes. I was a TM for most of my play time during delta, and I did pretty well with it. After the deadly aim nerf, I found it much harder to win with. While the DA nerf doesn't seem like much, note that +9 damage is only achievable at level 10 now. Before it was attainable at level 6... 4 skill points is quite a lot. Also, you state that deadly aim has needed a nerf since beta. As of now, reroute is a weak passive compared to blood lust and passive armors. Why? It can easily be maniuplated, only gives you benefits if you survive the attack, will make the user lose lots of efficiency with it if they don't go first, and total HP overall is much less than what it once was. So a class with an already weaker than average passive deserved a nerf on their only strong passive, huh?