omega special (Full Version)

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DARK SOUL OF HELL -> omega special (4/8/2013 14:22:46)

i don't know it's name.
here's the case :
i am tlm ( not a tech abuser but tech is my higher stat ) , i challenge a TM or a CH , he malfs taking at least about 30 tech then on the next turn he uses the special taking exactly 20 tech , that makes it a total of -50 tech on the very least.
so play 4 turns ( the first with -30 the next with -50 then -50 then the fourth with -20 ) is something that nobody should ever face .
in those 2 turns of -50 , my opponents don't make any dmg less then 40 ( if energy of course )
my point is that malf and that special should be combined ( of course smoke and the special and intimdate )
don't tell me to use assault bot cause i shouldn't equip a bot that i don't want just to counter that situation.
or to use shields cause i don't have def/dex shield or tech shield i only have the blood shield which actually to work that much.

Melbourne -> RE: omega special (4/8/2013 14:57:46)

Assault basically prevents any sticky situation, I have always used it and its very helpful to me. And if negates 20 of your tech then you must have quite a bit of tech, almost over 100 (I'm too lazy to do the math right now)

Assassain11 -> RE: omega special (4/8/2013 16:32:30)


I have 54+30 tech for my TLM build, it results in 16 taken away.

probably around 99-101 tech (69+30 or 69+32)

ansh0 -> RE: omega special (4/8/2013 16:34:23)

Not supported, you have blood shield to reduce incoming damage.

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