Merc stun skill change (Full Version)

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Assassain11 -> Merc stun skill change (4/8/2013 16:24:16)

Since someone said that the skill is unique, I guess I'll have to think of another skill that they could possibly change on Mercenaries. Intimidate looks a tad useless.. Only good on support mercs or you put a ton of points into it unless you like to take away about 17 strength points at level 1.

But we could always change the stun skill. Maybe the energy cost could scale up a bit slower?

Warmaker04 -> RE: Merc stun skill change (4/8/2013 16:50:25)

Well u need club too.
For other classes u dont actually need a weapon requirment

Assassain11 -> RE: Merc stun skill change (4/8/2013 17:00:48)


Tech Mage's stun skill "Overload" requires a staff.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Merc stun skill change (4/8/2013 19:04:20)

But you're increasing stun chance. This is what keeps it unique. If you need it for damage, just have high strength.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Merc stun skill change (4/8/2013 19:51:23)

Just to make a point, maul does the most damage out of all the stuns given most build types. Also, it's damage boost (in most situations) is equivalent to or higher than the damage boost of double strike at level 1, which really doesn't make much sense.

Assassain11 -> RE: Merc stun skill change (4/8/2013 20:39:50)

@Exploding Penguin

Oh, thanks for pointing that out.

Well I still think mercs need a buff.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Merc stun skill change (4/8/2013 21:22:15)

It...not necessarily needs one. It is slightly UP to other classes, particularly BH which completely dominates mercs. However, the solution probably wouldn't be to increase the power of a skill that's already the best of its category (maul is arguably the best stun), but to increase the effectiveness of another skill which isn't so, such as adrenaline or intimidate.

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