What do you guys think about Omega? (Full Version)

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ansh0 -> What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 10:25:37)

I, personally, wish it never happened.

Terrible balance, everyone jumping to 5 focus. Pay to win promos. Ridiculously low amount of cores.

I want Delta back, Omega is everything it should not have been.

goldslayer1 -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 10:26:57)

would much rather have had delta balance (with npcs), with this new engine, and battle system.

basically pretty much some tweaks to delta. not a fail overhaul.

Mother1 -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 10:33:14)

Off topic

LoL back in delta everyone wanted omega to be here, and now that omega is here people wish it never happened.

On topic

Even before omega started the builds that ruled was strength and focus builds. But as to why people are jumping to focus it is simple. Strength and support got nerfed and the reason why it was nerfed was because people complained about strength and support until they got nerfed this way. If the nerfs keep up there won't be any useable build at the higher levels.

But as for my thoughts on omega. The game has so much imbalance it isn't funny. Block, crit, stun, and deflections are still to game breaking and if one happens you will have too hard of a time comeback from it even if you could.

goldslayer1 -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 10:36:26)


LoL back in delta everyone wanted omega to be here, and now that omega is here people wish it never happened.

people were too ignorant to know that ED somehow someway would screw up.
they screwed up early delta. and omega.

but hey, they dug themselves in this whole, let see if they can get out of it.

Stabilis -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 11:23:50)

I was anxious for skill cores and big changes to PVP. Now, I am not so much interested with the small changes. I may go online, but there are more things that call me than EpicDuel at the moment.

zer00x -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 11:33:47)

At the beginning it was a chance for non varium, in delta merc was kind of UP thats why i wanted omega, but now, merc its again nerfed to the ground, so in this moment i dont like it at all.

Drianx -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 11:44:52)

Omega is not really that bad.

It's just Epicduel progress is way too slow to keep people interested and hoping to a better balance.

3 weeks and only an armor is released, and it is not even designed by staff... Just look how quickly Oversoul progresses, and they are a small team too.

Epicduel needs more (frequent) events, and more ways to qualify good players other than getting quick wins. In these aspects, Epicduel Omega is just as bad as the game itself has always been.

Leprechaun -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 11:51:55)

I like that I can buy stuff with credits :D

Midnightsoul -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 12:16:55)

I never wanted Omega to really happen during Delta. When i watched the decreased stats and having them limited so you can't put more in one specific stat, I knew there was going to be trouble and a much smaller build diversity.

One thing I would like back is a greater amount of stats.

goldslayer1 -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 12:19:18)

yeah that, and the change in HP.

i called it from the start, i said luck would play a bigger effect if HP changes. *boom*

EpicIsEpic -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 14:29:39)

So in before omega luck didn't matter that much because with high hp there was a hope that you would be lucky aswell. Now Huge amount of GAME CHANGING cores low HP 1 lucky moment and game is changed. The wierd promo items which are sometimes SO OP (azreal & ebil corp armor) or useless like the new promo which increased support. But i am happpy because non - vars got a tweak and now to kill you need 2 have 5 foucus.
So whats wrong with omega?
Luck (too much game changing effects0
Unbalanced game (maby caused by luck) (Begining of omega, STR mercenary was born) And now it is eather supp abuse merc or 5 foucus.
Not enough skill cores and stuff to keep player playing. (diversity of skillcores)
Whats right with omega?
Skill cores turned out to be good.
more robots.
the new easter event.
Every one having the same chance to win.(apart from azreals promo users)

liy010 -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 14:36:25)

I actually like Omega, there are few builds I cannot beat, and I sometimes even DO beat them with luck.

I like the fact how everyone's equal, and I don't just feel sad when I see a full Var user.

Midnightsoul -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 14:45:11)

Maybe we can have it where HP can ocassionally increase by 2 each time you put a point into it. So like 5 points into HP= 7-8 HP

liy010 -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 14:50:56)

Depends what "Occasionally" means

Angels Holocaust -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 15:22:48)

Not much.

King Helios -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 15:29:18)


Please revive Legit… you need like 1250 1v1 wins for faction on weekdays. XD

On topic: I like it a lot, especially at low levels. Weapon system is awesome!

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 15:41:12)

All i do now is playing with alts till they reach lvl 20-25.

No luck based wins, no one got those luck cores yet, its the best in the lower lvls currently and im enjoying it.

Cookielord12 -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 16:15:32)

It was good at first, as I was catching up with the Vars. The nerfs were ok, Sup/Str Massacre builds needed nerfing. Then Egg Hunt came and I became interested again and revived some alts. After a week, Id completes the Hunt a few times and everythings ground to a halt again. Im too lazy to log into ED now.

I'll just say that it could be worse.

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 16:46:32)

There are some things about Omega that need to be looked into and fixed. Today I smoked a mage and he had 0-0 defense. But on my next turn he blocked my robot. Then he blocked my Omega sword . With Zero defense!

To me it seems like the game makes no sense anymore. If he blocked just once I could understand, but twice?? That would have never happened in Delta, not that I want it back....just sayin.

Midnightsoul -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 16:51:58)

On the bright side, Drianx is kinda right. Though, i may not like the lack of stats, the cores were a good time. Also correct from Drianx, Epicduel progresses too slow. I may not play OverSoul, but as a DragonFable player, the game is still fun because it gets good updates. I think that's another reason why EpicDuel may look worse than it seems, but it's actually still playable.

drekon -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 16:54:30)

We've seen the balance of power shift from Support/Technology Tech Mages to Strength/Support Mercenaries to Strength/Support Hunters and now to 5 Focus in pretty much all classes. It's been, and still is, fun for those who make good with each power shift, but unfortunately less exciting for those who don't. In this sense, it's just like any other phase with the exception that most of this took place in a few short months weeks.

Omega has it's pros and cons like any other, but I like it primarily because it gave us certain things that I've always wanted. For example, back in Delta and Gamma, I wasn't happy with the block rate of my Bounty Hunter. Now it seems to be fair and more reliable. Having the ability to potentially stun your opponent 3 times in a row is entertaining to me. Skills cores work just like item augmentations that I suggested over a year ago. Every player having access to energy draining/boosting skills (cores) helps to shape the dynamics of the dueling experience. All in all, I think it's good and has the potential to get better.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 17:54:07)

The only parts of omega that i like are the skill cores, enhancements, and similarities of all weapons.

I don't like everything else :P

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 20:56:00)

I don't like it.
Too many problems
Too boring
Too much balances
Too much 5 focus builds
Wheres the uniqueness of builds you promised ED? what liars......
Too many weapons that can be the same as ultra-rare legacy items
Too many people saying noobs to 'variums'
Too many weapons and not enough missions/game modes
Too many lag issues
Too many weapons with similar price tags
Too many balances and not enough fixing hardcore bugs (Not minor bugs).
Too many varium players quit which ED devs love the idea of them quitting and having more lower non-var level players

May quit ED and come back next year.
I hope I see a really big improvement from ED next year.

Although I will check the forums -=^^=-.

Cya later ED (In-game not in forums). Farewell.
Will miss my virtual friends ;'(.

Although most of my best friends in ED quit. So it's even boring.......
Most of my friends in ED hate talking including my faction.

That's the most possible reason I would stay on ED. Talking to friends ^^ which would make it enjoyable for me but no, whoever I talk to, never responds (after like 5 mins, they respond).

Ranloth -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 20:59:35)


Wheres the uniqueness of builds you promised ED? what liars......

Mind you.. They gave what they've promised, and players made what they could out of it. They cannot force everyone to be diverse; some want fast/easy wins, some like the build (Focus) and some are trying to be unique, but not many. What was promised was given, what players made out of it is.. you can see for yourself.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: What do you guys think about Omega? (4/13/2013 21:02:29)


Well what I see whenever I play is 5 focus all day long. Just sooooo boring.

I try different weird builds anyways for the fun of it, but who ever i challenge has a 5 focus build.

Well for sure you can see the uniqueness, but I can't.

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