Game mode suggestion (Full Version)

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The Incredible Hulk -> Game mode suggestion (4/14/2013 9:35:55)

A thread were you can post the game modes that you have built and you can show it to the devs to see if they like it or not and they could implement in-game (It is the devs responsibility to check if it's virus or not ).

Arthur -> RE: Game mode suggestion (4/14/2013 9:47:40)

Do you mean Mods, as in Modifications?

bassetbookworm -> RE: Game mode suggestion (4/14/2013 22:40:04)

In general, any alteration to normal game play is not allowed. So if you are looking for a thread discussing player created modifications to the game, such alterations wouldn't be allowed, so neither would a thread suggesting (or even discussing) them. Player created content will not be uploaded to the games. As this suggestion isn't possible, I will lock this thread. If you have any questions about this decision, you can pm me or another moderator.

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