Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/17/2013 8:21:57)
The evolution of the variant will need to of be slightly different from the original VC and Skexis. I myself wouldn't mind if variant of skexis and skexis vet is almost similar to original skexis and skexis vet as the non alpha tester should deserve it for supporting OS until now. At least this will be their reward for playing OS from beta testing till now and the future. If there is variant of VC which will be the evolution variant of VK, I can suggest the variant of VC will have different kind of crown, colour armour and wings changing to different kind of wing. This will define the true meaning of variant because it needs to have similar sort of appearance. Still, we don't truly know how the variant will look like and whether there will be an evolution for the variant but the chances of it to happen will probably be 50%. All I can say is we just have to wait and see the preview for variant VK and Skexis and so is the announcement of whether there will be evolution for variant. Sage will probably also tell us about this topic soon. Whatever it is, I hope it will bring fairness to both side. I will be happy to have the variant of VK already and if there is VC variant for me and the other non stress tester, I will be overjoyed since I wish I could also have one but it must find someway to ensure to bring satisfaction to the stress tester too. Edit: @above Maybe the variant of VC(if there is one) which will be the evolution of variant VK will cost SG to evolve. Consider the original VK already cost free to evolve, no way can any stress tester gain the VK again to evolve the SG version. Or maybe Nulgath had scrapped this idea. A number of possibility answers.