RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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survivor39 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/17/2013 4:48:59)

Mmmhh...shiny versions?

I'm not sure I agree with making shiny variants of characters. I think this would make Oversoul become more like Pokemon..(I'm not much of a fan of Pokemon...sorry if you're a fan..don't mean to offend you [:D])
I enjoy having different characters but making them shiny or gold would just be weird in my opinion. I'm fine with normal variants though..
Anyway, this is just my opinion...

legend knight -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/17/2013 4:57:40)

Everyone have their own opinion. My opinion would be i don't mind for a shiny variant. For the VK and Skexis variant, i would love that it have the same appearance as original VK and skexis but different color version. If it doesn't satisfy the stress and alpha tester, maybe change the weapon for variant of VK and VC. Its just my hope and opinion for variant of VK and Skexis Fiend. But still, a variant would be the meaning of slight difference so it just would only mean variant of VK and skexis will have 90% similar appearance to original VK and skexis. I don't wish to continue on with this topic otherwise trouble will arise again.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/17/2013 5:27:16)

Survivor: Shiny in this case is a technical term. The idea is that the hard to find character looks in color different but that work for the design of that character. For example, a Vampire Knight in black armor and a gold trim like DF's deathknight, or a Pyre Which with a black dress.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/17/2013 7:30:51)

So there can be more elitism?

clintonian -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/17/2013 8:09:25)

The shiny idea isn't necessary at all it will be more like pokemon as survivor said and who said the VK and skexis variants would get evos?idk how nully will do this but they have to be different from the current evos. I think I remember nully saying the for the VK evo one would be free and one sgs hmm....

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/17/2013 8:21:57)

The evolution of the variant will need to of be slightly different from the original VC and Skexis. I myself wouldn't mind if variant of skexis and skexis vet is almost similar to original skexis and skexis vet as the non alpha tester should deserve it for supporting OS until now. At least this will be their reward for playing OS from beta testing till now and the future.

If there is variant of VC which will be the evolution variant of VK, I can suggest the variant of VC will have different kind of crown, colour armour and wings changing to different kind of wing. This will define the true meaning of variant because it needs to have similar sort of appearance.

Still, we don't truly know how the variant will look like and whether there will be an evolution for the variant but the chances of it to happen will probably be 50%. All I can say is we just have to wait and see the preview for variant VK and Skexis and so is the announcement of whether there will be evolution for variant.

Sage will probably also tell us about this topic soon. Whatever it is, I hope it will bring fairness to both side.

I will be happy to have the variant of VK already and if there is VC variant for me and the other non stress tester, I will be overjoyed since I wish I could also have one but it must find someway to ensure to bring satisfaction to the stress tester too.

Maybe the variant of VC(if there is one) which will be the evolution of variant VK will cost SG to evolve. Consider the original VK already cost free to evolve, no way can any stress tester gain the VK again to evolve the SG version. Or maybe Nulgath had scrapped this idea. A number of possibility answers.

legend knight -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/17/2013 8:54:32)

So long as the variant of VK evolution will be VC, i don't mind how he look as long as he still bear very close resemblance to the original VC. The non stress tester should also deserve VC too since they continue to support OS even when they are not stress tester as they truly love and support OS. Beside, since there is 4K plus player who got VK, i don't see even more than 100 players with VC. This is really a waste! They have VK and are stress tester who played major role in helping Nulgath and OS. If i am stress tester, i would definitely use VK , evolve to VC and use it to fight and crush any opponent!

survivor39 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/17/2013 16:55:42)

@legend knight
Don't mean to be rude..but I don't see any justice in making an evolution(if there is going to be one) of a VK variant to be VC or very similar to VC.
I would be quite disappointed if VC is suddenly available to everyone!
I understand that there are a lot of non-stress testers that are providing constant support for OS but I am a stress tester myself and also a founder.
I got rewarded founder champion for being a founder and VK/VC for being a stress tester.
I don't think these two characters should be rewarded for those who weren't founders/stress-testers.
I mean there's the Upholder char reward for those who are providing support to OS.

Like I said before, i'm happy with a VK and SK variant so long as they are not very similar(i.e. the only difference is that eyes are changed from green to blue,etc). to the original ones.
However, this is only coming from my perspective so please be understanding.[:)]

Pennocki_ -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/17/2013 17:28:32)

shiny versions = tester variants
that's basically what we are all saying ... if the variants only get a colour change then i rest my case haha

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 1:08:33)

As it is a variant, definitely no way the variant of VK and Skexis will be similar to the original ones. So nothing to worry about. Beside, i checked the dictionary for the meaning of variant and it really mean slight difference, so we can expect the variant of VK and Skexis to have slight difference from the original version in terms of color or something else.

Shiny version like pure gold or silver can also be consider a variant from the original version. So, you can rest your case. ;)

survivor39 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 1:17:14)

My preferred variant for VK/Skexis would be change in armor, cape, etc... rather than just colour change.
I think colour change variant should be reserved for things like Taurus (when a char is available in character shop but you can also catch it and level it up to level 20.)
Anyway, we'll see what happens...[:)]

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 1:28:28)

It can be anything with a slight different. So we can see color change or armor change as it will be consider variant.

Jacke21777 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 4:29:18)

So, now that ogre maiden has been released in addition to an evolution, is there a set date for a female orc? Or do

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 6:51:37)

We are not sure when the female orc will be release but I am sure it will in the future.

survivor39 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 14:46:06)

I remember Nulgath showing ogres and orcs that were going to be released.
One of the characters was Leona the huntress.
Now I'm not 100% if she is an Orc but she has green skin so I imagine she is an orc-ess? *[:D]
Anyway, if she is a female orc, I'd imagine other female orcs might be similar to her(or she might be the prettiest female orc and the other female orcs are ugly and look more like their male counterpart!).

I do hope that the Orc vs Ogre war continues soon.
Although I would prefer Nulgath and his team work on the big things like elemental advantage, maybe dual, triple fights,etc...

Andlu -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 15:09:30)

The promo character system in my opinion should be like this:
For each SGs we buy we get one coupon(250SGs=250Coupons) and then there should be a shop with each promo character, like Void Reaper costing X coupons and Black Dragon costing Y coupons. But when new characters get released, people could opt for getting them, and not Black Dragon/Void Reaper, so they only need to spend their coupons on the wanted character!

Ziim00 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 17:07:02)

what to u guys think about snow and ice orbs?

snow orb cost 5 energy to transform 1000 shield to 1000 dmg when earth characters can make 800 shield to 800 dmg for free.
i think its unfair. 1000 shield+snow orb= 11 energy for 1000 dmg
fireball deal 1000 dmg and cost 8 energy. (6+2) 6 is icewall and 2 should be the max energy cost for snow orb and ice orb should be much cheaper also.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 17:10:23)

It's because ice characters are supposed to be more defensive than earth characters, If ice characters could use crush they would use it constantly for free hits of 800 damage and recover their shields instantly. And not every element is supposed to be equal. Mark of Death does less damage than Mountain Strike for the same amount of energy for example, because shadow characters have poison available to them, which is a more efficient DoT.

Ice characters also end up having a lot of energy because they can stun their opponents for 2 turns and they put up shields that their enemy cannot completely take down every turn, which does not cost much energy once they have a steady defense. That's why ice orb and snow orb are expensive, because ice characters already excel in defense and shouldn't be able to turn that into offense for as low of a cost as other elements.

Wolfassassin -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 17:40:05)


I really only use ice orb when I can go for the kill, or else it's just a big loss of ressources.

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 19:58:52)

Although I do agree that different elements have different areas of strength and weakness, I do find certain discrepencies hard to justify.

Neutralize vs. Fresh Start in particular.

I would like to see a rehaul of the Water element with cards designed so as to work in tandem with their thematic characteristics rather than penalize them.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 20:03:47)

Water is outclassed in all respects. Greater Heal is outright better than Healing Spring, and light characters also have Penance and Retribution which is the best combo card (at least for ones that do 1500 damage, so maybe not earthquake). It's not as defensive as ice, earth, or neutral characters. It has a terrible offense and the worst energy regeneration card. It really needs something to at least make it on par with other elements.

SGsPyzcho -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 21:11:50)

I think a Void Dragon would be interesting and fun to use. There is larvae Void Dragons so It can have evolutions so Nulgath can make the actual Void Dragon Legendary and possibly cost SGs.

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/18/2013 23:02:12)

@SGsPyzcho I always felt like Void Dragons would be great for the chaos element since the void is basically a chaotic area

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/19/2013 7:56:33)

Void Dragon is amazing! Its a top priority dragon in OS! But, Axel, since its a void and most void themed character like Void Knight, Void Reaper, Void Cowboy and Cowgirl are shadow character, I think Void Dragon also suit for shadow character. For chaos dragon, Stalagbite would be the suitable choice for a chaos dragon and its also a must! :D

SGsPyzcho -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (11/19/2013 10:39:45)

Well in AQWorlds the Void Dragon was a chaos based monster so It can be a chaos character in oversoul. Although Nulgath tends to make void characters shadow so who knows. I think It should be chaos though because no chaos characters have been released yet. Oh and Stalagbite would be cool to see too.

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