Jacke21777 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? III - READ THE FIRST POST (1/16/2014 9:12:22)
That's it. I'm done. The basis of your entire argument is the premise that they have "reasons" for their lack of attention. Fair enough. However, as you can see, I have replied to it in my statement above. I don't intend to drag this out any longer, since, like I said, you have exhausted most of your reasonable points and have resorted to recycling your past points which I have both acknowledged and refuted. Let me clarify, in case you didn't read it the first few times around:You are not them, and therefore, you have no basis on which to throw out such assumptions. This thread is for the suggestion of things players would like to see, as per the thread title. What would you like to see, instead? Entire releases dedicated to evolutions for SG characters, perma-rare characters, and exclusive reward-characters? Or the complete ignorance of the free-player-base? Edit #1: This game needs funding, right. However, how can you persuade people to lay down their hard-earned money, for a microtransaction no less; near-costless shift in programming, when you haven't given them anything by which to see that it's a good game? For motivation, like I have said, the lifetime SG rewards only go up to 300. Making releases for characters which costs 12 SG at most is no biggie, when you think of how much we're willing to spend in AQW and other games. Increasing it would do no good, as it might incite strikes; again, precedent. Therefore, making more releases for SG characters would not do you any good, and might even be a subtraction, when you take the "advertisement and persuasion" thing I have mentioned above into account. My suggestion would be to make 500 SG and 1000 SG characters which are balanced, but are worth their weight in gold; incentive. Making releases full of SG characters is almost certainly not the way to go, and most of the rare characters don't cost SG. Edit #2: As to your claim of "waiting," let me reiterate. "Without this message here, Nulgath would go on thinking that everything was peachy with that release, in regards to the player base. To see change, one must act." The purpose of this thread is change. Patience can be a part of it, but patience requires something of worth to be happening; sort of like ice works so well due to the power of it's DoT. Plain shielding isn't any good due to that fact that extending the game does nothing. You don't need the turns for anything. How can someone be "patient"...for nothing? What you want is the opposite of the purpose of this thread; for things to stay the same. (Or is it, referring to the aforementioned post above.) So why bother posting? "The developers might agree with you for reasons of their own, and with better knowledge too, due to their awareness of their own workloads. The developers are grown men and I trust that they'll make the right decision in regards to this case." You're not contributing any points as to why it should stay the same; you're just, literally, commanding me to sit by and do nothing.