RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (Full Version)

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hidan_orochimaru -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/3/2014 7:00:20)

@Amon:Sorry for your loss,may she rest in peace...

DIS:Had two looong exams yesterday:Social studies...and Maths....
ACC:At least I finshed the first,and 99% finished the later,and then I went:"Haaaaaaaaaaaaah...."

UnderSoul -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/4/2014 12:11:51)

ACC: Went to Worlds of Fun with ROTC yesterday. I bought a turkey leg the size of my head, and a miniature bust of Slash as a skeleton.

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/4/2014 12:38:58)

ACC: thinking of wrting a full fledged story to open the flood gates of my imagination
ACC:vintage sprite bottle from over 20 years ago [:D]
ACC: watched gravity last weekend and 47 Ronin last night
???: plan to see X-Men DOFP soon

Sir Nicholas -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/4/2014 21:16:31)

*Above, if you're up to it, there's a whole section of the Forums dedicated to helping you to improve your writing skills, hosted by our very own Loremaster - Falerin. And also, how was 47 Ronin? I heard it was terrible.

ACC: Going to apply to both Target and to Walmart in the next few days.

ACC: Thanks to some helpful neighbors, I was able to get to and from my house in record time. I also got an offer on how to make some quick cash - mowing the other guy's lawn for a few bucks. A good way to help somebody out, and getting paid some in the meantime.

ACC: My dad has agreed to pay me back $10.00 for what he owes, and possibly a little more if I can get a refund on that power cord.

DIS: My television isn't working for some odd reason. The set itself turns on, but the cable box is on the fritz.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/7/2014 5:17:51)

ACC: Tests are ovah!
MEGA DIS: Finals are in the horizon...
ACC: Im actually gonna get a new Laptop and a graphic tablet to kickstart my art skills once again!
ACC: I'm actually still growing, 2 inches since the new year. 6'3 is pretty great, means I can still grow summore!
DIS: Had an incident where I diagnosed myself with Schizoid Personality Disorder
ACC: Turns out, I was wrong.
DIS: Liverpool are gonna lose the title, so close yet so far.
DIS: Had a teary incident after seeing Steven Gerrard and Luis Suarez's reaction. One of the 6 times I've shed true tears.
DIS: I dont get what a few has been celebrities think of themselves...

UnderSoul -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/7/2014 9:47:44)

ACC: School's almost out!
DIS: School's almost out!
DIS: No computer over the summer, most likely.
ACC: My step-brother will possibly be getting a laptop, which he said I could use for some things!

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/8/2014 9:07:30)

DIS: weather was horrible yesterday and yesterday night
ACC: 2 more weeks of schlool!
DIS: 2more weeks...

Densoro -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/8/2014 19:30:17)

???: Sleep deprivation + melatonin supplements + chamomile tea = a gigantic 19-hour sleep marathon.

Superemo -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/8/2014 21:55:52)

ACC: Job interview on Monday.
???: Probably could use a haircut before then. Going to bring someone along to make sure I don't end up looking worse off for it.
ACC: Almost certain to get the job, due to the immense similarities between the job I applied for and a previous job.

kors -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/8/2014 22:35:17)

ACC: Finished up with AP tests!
DIS: Definitely bombed the AP Lit free response portion...
ACC: Think I did good on the AP Psych test.

Superemo -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/9/2014 4:25:47)

ACC: Made brownies, and they actually turned out well. Seems my oven isn't cursed after all.
DIS: The caramel packet that came with the mix didn't have anywhere near enough caramel to actually do caramel stripes. So much for truth in advertising.
ACC: Oh well, brownies are brownies.
???: I've been strangely hungry recently. Not complaining, because I'm the type of guy who could stand to gain a few pounds, but it's inconvenient to be hungry all the time.
DIS: Realized I need a new shirt for my interview. All my decent shirts are either medium/heavy weight or short-sleeve. I hate summer interviews.
???: Decided to pick back up an on-again/off-again hobby: cooking. Works well with my current appetite being what it is.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/9/2014 11:39:52)

SuperMegaUberACC: I was assaulted a week or so ago, and I just got the money from it.
ACC: Somehow, I didn't even have to go to court.
ACC: REALLY needed that money.

Superemo -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/11/2014 6:30:10)

DIS: The default settings of the new version of Firefox give it too organic of an appearance, and, aside from downloading add-ons, there's no way to revert to the appearance to which I had grown accustomed.

sporetox -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/11/2014 12:21:57)

Acc/Dis: Might actually watch american football now, for reasons. I'm usually not into watching sports though. How do sports fans handle it?
SuperAcc: Finished with all my college courses until the fall, but I'm still going to the campus for a Pathfinder game every Wednesday.
Dis?: Average end grades overall, lots of Cs.

bokterier -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/11/2014 15:05:06)

DIS: I am lazy and I know it... Probably won't do anything about it, since I'm lazy. -_-
ACC: Might move to England next year with a buddy.
DIS: My brother, father and mother is sick. Seems like I'm the next one... >.>
ACC: Became better with motors at school, maybe I even can get a better grade! :D

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/11/2014 19:13:48)


ACC: Ok, I overreacted. My mom did annoy me yesterday with a lecture, and I'm not going to punch here in the face nor do I hate my family... I was just scared the Founder offer was gonna go rare before I could get it. I keep my money in a can, but I didn't think to check my Yu-Gi-Oh! GX wallet. Even if I didn't find it, I wouldn't be angry anymore... I'd just be scared... I'm gonna get back into WoW, but I was serious about quitting AE forever if I didn't get it...
DIS: It is a GOOD thing I ain't waste money on a piece of crap Windows Phone. No wonder they suck, they ain't got no good apps. No wonder they ain't got no good apps, either! The way they make it and give it so much power, it's gonna crash if it gets certain apps, but business apps are just fine. I'll stick to buying an iPhone. At least those things are meant for games... -_-

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/11/2014 22:08:27)

@SonicT: calm down sonic, everything's gonna be alright, I go through the same thing [;)]
ACC: 3 super cool field trips coming up!
DIS: weather has just been a rain on my parade (no pun intended)
DIS: even worse, it started snowing!

salene -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/11/2014 22:32:11)

Mega ACC: Still a straight A student since 3rd grade!
???: Helping my sister choose which high school she wants to go to. She has been very over worked these past few weeks, so it will be nice for the two of us to go to LA for a few days, even if we do have to visit a high school.
DIS: Why is there so much crime and hatred in California... It is so not cool
ACC: I won world savvy! It was a large project that involved over 600 students. I did it by finding a clause in Coca Colas child labor laws in El Salvador. Take that Coca Cola! >U<

301st Legion -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/13/2014 23:35:09)

ACC: Thinking about starting a jogging routine from 5 to 9 AM in the morning.
ACC: College in a few weeks. Time to get things kicked up as a Freshman.
DIS: Summer is nearly over. I feel like I haven't done much.

I need to do things aside from AQWorlds if I want a summer worth remembering.
I'll try for some Basketball and Football sessions with friends.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/14/2014 22:33:57)

MegaSuperUltraOhGodNoPleaseDIS: My ingrown toenail has gotten to the point of where I have to have it removed by a doctor.
DIS: It's possible I may have to have a full on surgery on my toe to get it out.
DIS: I DEFINITELY don't have the money for it.
DIS: Have to do it anyway; not only is it extremely painful, but it could also get infected REALLY easily, and then I'd have a way worse problem on my hands.
ACC/???: I may be getting some inheritance from my Grandmother, but I don't know if it is soon enough to pay for my toe, or how much it may be. I'm not even sure if it's actually money. I might get ornaments or furniture worth money, but there's no way for me to know.

Sir Nicholas -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/16/2014 2:49:52)

Mega-ACC: A publishing company has agreed to take on my book, for free! They even said if it sells, they'll organize book signings and distribute it to bookstores in other States! (*Strikes up the band*)

ACC: Going to see the new Godzilla film in theaters.

ACC: I got my laptop back!

DarkDevil -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/18/2014 4:30:16)

ACC: End of school year , now i can finally sleep with my eyes closed.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/18/2014 9:39:58)

ACC: Was failing Math the entire semester until yesterday.
ACC: One more week of school left!

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/19/2014 8:37:32)

DIS:Results are out and my CGPA is....8 ! *Cries in the corner*

UnderSoul -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/19/2014 9:48:52)

DIS: Had to work at my Uncle's restaurant yesterday.
ACC: Front counter was fun.
DIS: Had to wash dishes, that's always been a bit of a sore spot for me.
DIS: Had to help my Grandma move.
ACC: Her new house is really nice.
DIS: Got really sick, fainted on the lawn.
DIS: My Mom's first response was "What are you doing? You can't just lay down in the middle of the lawn while we're all working!
ACC: 3 more days of school left!
DIS: The last two are finals.
ACC: Never got below a B on a test in my life, not going to start now.

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