RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (Full Version)

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Shadowhunt -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/13/2014 13:10:16)

ACC: Finished my first year of college
DIS: Did badly on all of my finals this quarter
ACC: Saw the premiere of How To Train Your Dragon 2 last night
ACC: It was an absolutely fantastic film
DIS: I was NOT expecting to cry during it though

Seth Hydra -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/13/2014 15:48:04)

ACC: Finished my most worst subject. No more of it..EVER!
ACC: Now only Chemistry, Programming and Electronics till Im home free!
DIS: Had an argument with my parents. According to them an A in a subject is poor... talk about over expectation!
DIS: Now Im kinda hesitant to join them back during summer vacations.. thats a month of trying to convert me into a theist, god fearing robot -_-
DIS: I have no freedom to do squat, now that I think of it...
ACC: Had a good time meeting friends at university!
ACC: Spain vs Netherlands!!!
ACC: Atleast Ive got football to take my head of things!
ACC: Hunting Party is gonna be out soon. Cant believe Linkin Park actually made an album in the same verve of Hybrid Theory and Meteora
ACC: Hooked onto the song Final Masquerade!

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/14/2014 11:31:12)

^ sounds like a helluva a way to spend the week [&:]

ACC: watched Deathat a Funeral...and it was funny with Chris Rock being in it.
???: also started to watch the King of Queens, it's probably one of my favorite shows with Jerry Stiller in it

ACC: getting some cool star wars shirts, so I can retain some of my nerdiness/ nerdly dignity
???: this summer thankfully ain't as bad as last year :)

thedarkened -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/15/2014 6:22:03)

BEST ACC: GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!! She's smart, pretty, and nice.
ACC: got my best mile time, 4:18!
ACC: got straight A's once again for the trimester!
ACC: hooked on the song A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES
ACC: having a good time with friends!
DIS: going to china so no social media and youtube [:(]

Seth Hydra -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/15/2014 12:22:48)

@Lord Nonien: Tell me about it!

@Darknened: Congratz mate!
Btw, is that Linkin Parks Dance/Dubstep track?

MEGA ACC: The Hunting Party is the best album Ive heard in a loooong time, not just Rock but Id say the best overall since Eminems Recovery!
ACC: Ive been listening to All for Nothing continuously for the past 5 hrs (And even though my ears kinda hurt), I still am playing it!
ACC: Got an Extra day to study for my Geology finals.. its a minor subject, and although it counts.. my amazing GK makes it a walk in the park!
DIS: My favourite team Spain got humiliated...literally!
ACC: Its started to become cold again.. after DAT horrific summer!
ACC: Seems my parents have sobered down a bit, after a bit of silent treatment on my part. Im not proud of it..but it had to be done.
DIS: This is gonna be one boring vacation.. no internet, no football, cant watch Suits, hot as holy hell where Im going, and the fact that Ive lived there for over 13 yrs makes for tediously boring...been there done that moments!
???: I need to get an internship in the summer. My dad's got some connections to Medical Technology firms where I could learn more about electronic mechanisms...

thedarkened -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/15/2014 18:28:17)

@ss2195: yep it is [:)]

DIS: not interested in soccer so I didn't watch the world cup

Banpreiomaster -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/18/2014 7:52:29)

DIS: Seems my favorites (game/anime/manga/discussion topic) are different much with other forumites here, so I think to stop posting in OOC.

DaiTigris -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/19/2014 19:53:48)

DIS: The Family Cat of 15 years of age has been having health problems. I really wish there was something I could do for her but everyone seems to think putting her down is the best option at this point.

hidan_orochimaru -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/20/2014 10:13:03)

I didn't have the time to post those,so....Yesterday ACCs and DISACCs!!

ACC: School is over!
DIS: I am not all that happy,I made good friends there,and it will be sad to leave them....
ACC: Hopefully I will meet them again next year!
ACC: Apparently,putting on my black sunglasses made me look so awesome that after the finals,three girls gave me their phone number without me even asking them to!(Note:And I never did in my whole life!)

Densoro -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/20/2014 16:35:04)

DIS: My little sister recently turned 18 and has decided that the best use of her newfound legal status is to start smoking like a chimney. We used to share food all the time, but now, it tastes like an ashtray. She came in my room smelling like death, rolled around in my bed trying to wake me up, and I've been coughing for half an hour...but what can I do to stop her? She has a legal right to her decision at this point. =/

sean.2 -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/21/2014 6:07:22)

Acc: Getting back into the dating game! A year of the bachelor life has been fun. Sooo landed myself a date there for Tuesday with someone who could be cool...but more excited about that evening. When I get to go ice skating with some mates pluuuuusssss this insanely amazing girl who may or may not be into me, but I'd love for her to be........eeekk! All very exciting stuff haha :)

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/21/2014 12:30:46)

@Densoro: At this point you can only let time do the damage at this point :/

ACC: new X-Men comic from the 80's

ACC: it was only 99¢ =D

thedarkened -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/22/2014 0:14:56)

DIS: sprained my toe

Dragonman -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/22/2014 0:55:47)

DIS: TV Tropes may or may not ruin your life. It certainly wastes time.

Seth Hydra -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/22/2014 9:18:30)

ACC: Just 2 more finals, and then a month of ....
DIS: A month of living like a hippie -_-
ACC: Got a better internet connection, almost twice as fast, and three times the data limit
ACC: Ive been told Im a genius at Dating matters... interesting
ACC: Sat listening to a couple of old BEP songs... ah nostalgia :3
ACC: Cleaned my room!
ACC: Found my creditcard xD

salene -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/22/2014 14:22:33)

???: getting back into competitive ice skating. Not sure if I'm happy or sad about it, since it wasn't really my choice. Oh well, we'll see on Monday :(

DIS: I'm leaving all of my friends at my school, which is really sad considering how close to them I have become.

???: This dude keeps hitting on me. He's kind of cute, and he's sweet, but I'm not sure if I want to be in a relationship

DIS: Been in a rut for the past week. I don't have much to do, and life just seems... dull somehow.

Rose -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/23/2014 1:00:03)

Mmm, don't know if anyone remembers me.

Will be getting a bachelor's in Managerial Accounting in less than one year.
My grades are high enough that I might actually make it into the University of Michigan's master program for business.
Got married. It'll be 5 years this October. It was bumpy, but it's going great now.
Doing well in my accounting field and I have 2 years of direct experience as well as 3-4 years of general management experience.

Bad: Kind of failing at creating time to study for the CPA exam. Also, because I am still going to school and paying as I go, I don't have the $1000 to $3000 to drop on a study software for the CPA exam. [:(]

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/23/2014 18:35:22)

ACC: Ordered Totoro pajamas... [:D]
DIS: Will be at my house in the middle of July to August... [:(]

Dragonman -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/23/2014 21:52:40)

ACC/DIS: Well I'm super out of shape, so I tried exercising while listening to Beethoven's 5th Symphony. I finally managed a perfect push up, in the very last part of the 4th movement with triumphant chords :P

Mortarion -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/23/2014 22:07:31)

Dis: Just found out that the teacher made a mistake and one of the texts I read for a 10 pages essay was for one of the other themes. I must hand it at the 25 and I am about to finish the first page

Acc: Someone from my class is asking for the date to be changed due to this.

Dis: Not sure if I would use the extra time wisely if it's given, I mean I had like a month or maybe a bit less, and in that time there were 2 weeks were I did nothing at all :(

EDIT: Acc: There's a big chance they'll move the date to turn in the essay by a pair of days

Dis: I am pretty confused since I lost the flow of the conversation about this, so I am not 100% sure

Hells Elder Brother -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/25/2014 1:33:28)

ACC: Finished 3 months of work experience!
ACC: Holidays are coming up!

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/25/2014 19:35:19)

Dis: Have like three different doctors appointments between July 17 and 18th, (17th being my birthday), so I'm not sure if I'll be able to celebrate or not, and weekends we're always booked, so I'll have to see if I'll celebrate or not

ACC: got my brand new pair of eyes (glasses, not literal!), kinda better than my old ones

The Mango -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/27/2014 13:17:28)

Acc: Decided to buy another pair of Lebron 11s. This time they were the new South Beach that came out a day before I bought them [:D]
Acc: My doctors had been saying that i've been doing great so far with everything that has been going on.
Acc: done with exams
Acc: no more school
Dis: No more school!

Seth Hydra -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/28/2014 19:22:04)

ACC: Last exam on monday..
ACC: A blissfull month of visiting the UK! :D
ACC: Might get to visit Anfield for one of the preseason friendlies
ACC: All exams aside from Higher Maths have been great

SUPA ACC: Had my first ever Red Bull!
DIS: Tastes like cough syrup!

flashbang -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/29/2014 0:42:56)

ACC: Ramadan has started.

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