RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (Full Version)

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Rheannon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (2/16/2015 9:11:00)

Dis: I think my laptop is failing and I can't afford to replace it as there is still a large hole in the wall which the plumbers had to do to get to the leaky pipes.

Superemo -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (2/17/2015 13:23:48)

ACC: Probably going to start a new job soon.
ACC: According to literally everything I've heard about the place, I should fit in well.
ACC: I think a girl I like is interested in me.
ACC: Don't have any DIS'es.

???: The first letter of my ACC's spelled out "PAID". Possible subconscious note of how my situation is improving?

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (2/20/2015 8:47:06)

ACC: My favorite movie Big Hero 6 (which strangely beat out Ted as my favorite movie) got nominated for an Oscar! I don't know if I'm late for this or not... /baymaxfistbump
ACC: Ran into $500 dollars for a phone.
DIS: Cannot run into to extra money to pay tax on it... I hate having no credit history, making me pay one million seven hundred billion thousand dollars up front for a dumb smartphone... -_-

ACC: Big Hero 6 took home an Oscar! I iz 2 lazy 2 post Fluttershy yay gif... /baymaxfistbump
ACC: I can afford my iPhone, and now it's on the way! Yay! Now my family doesn't have to give me slow, crappy, out-of-date electronics anytime anymore! /baymaxfistbump [:D]
DIS: Gotta send my Blu-Ray player/PS3 in for repairs... if this doesn't work, I have a little extra money for the 4. Just hope I don't have to get it anytime soon...

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (3/9/2015 7:34:07)

DIS: One of my closest friends got into some trouble, and I may never see him again.
DIS: It was due mostly to someone who I had considered a friend backstabbing him.
DIS: Life in general is just really confusing and upsetting right now.

raylas -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (3/12/2015 19:49:12)

ACC: Found rare knife from one of my favorite companies available.

ACC: It was from a vendor I trust.


No DIS, life is awesome for me.

Kian -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (3/12/2015 20:42:11)

DIS: Nauseous... To a point where I can't sleep
ACC: Finally got to watching Zombieland

Jrr Kein -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (3/23/2015 0:47:05)

Acc: Laptop fixed [;)]
???: I'm not sure I want to pay him now
???: One week before paycheck :)

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (3/23/2015 5:51:06)

Dis: So, then I found out one of my close IRL friends is gonna move away because, quote his father, 'I am a bad surrounding.'
Dis: So apparently you can blame sick people on everything and just get away. I approve. Not.
Dis: I think my back pains are becoming chronic. >.>

Hells Elder Brother -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (4/2/2015 7:17:45)

ACC: Slightly increased the weight for Barbell Squats and Bench press. I can do 45kg of Barbell Squats and 30kg of Bench Press. Seems like a slight accomplishment......

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (4/10/2015 19:09:48)

DIS: When I was a very young boy, my dad took me to a Waffle House in my city. It smelled clean, but it didn't look dirty, but not too clean either. Some dried dirt, mud, stains, whatever on the floor, there weren't many bugs, but a fly or two was visible on the windows. I ordered me some waffles. When I got my order, there was a cockroach on one of my waffles. (Thank God for free meals.)
DIS: Went to the same Waffle House restaurant today, ordered waffles, and guess what? A cockroach on my waffles. I'm not making this up. It usually happens once or twice a year. And just like back then, I was the unlucky one. I hope it's just in my city that this situation happens. X_X

By happening once a year, I mean it happens to someone and anyone every year, not me specifically. This is just the second time in my life I visited a Waffle House. :P

DIS: OMG... I couldn't participate in BYO Cup day at 7-11 because the money I thought was in my bank account was deducted for the full version of Puffin Web Browser. The problem? Apple/iTunes took ONE FREAKING WEEK TO CHARGE ME AND MY BANK ACCOUNT FOR IT, AND DECIDE TO DO IT TODAY!!! That is like, one of the ultimate trolls in history! Who does that?! Seriously... God... -___________________-

DIS: Oh yeah. That helped too. Those Waffle House jerks didn't send me my refund and said they would send me a check the next day like they promised for showing them those "cockroach waffles" I ordered. It might come within the next week, but they better not be jerks and keep my money...

I did some cleaning up. No harm done, but please try to be mature. ~Memory

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (4/11/2015 15:37:14)

ACC: Set a new PB for the 100m: 11.58 seconds!

bokterier -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (4/13/2015 19:10:50)

DIS: I failed my theory for getting a driving license today. Better luck next time. I guess...?

Womba -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (4/14/2015 21:26:10)

Acc: Been noticing things a bit better lately. Mostly about people. "Noticing things" is actually a thing I don't normally do. Bit weak in that area.

Dis: Noticed something about my father after the last time I spoke to him which was a few days ago... been connecting dots since then and noticed something really depressing.

Dis: Missed a tournament for the new Mortal Kombat release... pretty steamed about that but I'll get over it. So not too much of a big deal, just not something I get a chance to do much.

Dis: Just pretty melancholy over all since the last few days really...

Dis: Always been a shoulder for people to cry on, a sort of vent. Outrageously enough these same people outright refuse to give me any kind of comfort whatsoever... at the same time it's apparently strictly taboo for me to tell them to leave me alone for a while. And people wonder why I prefer my solitude? Jeez... heaven forbid I decide I'm sick of being a door mat for my family, when they need to talk about their own problems.

Crystal Lion -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (4/25/2015 6:06:36)

Acc: Picked up guitar playing after months of not trying out of boredom. Managed to play some riffs from memory, like He's a Pirate and El Condor Pasa.

Digital X -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (4/30/2015 6:39:08)

ACC: Upgraded from the standard G27 shifter to the Thrustmaster TH8A:

DarkDevil -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/8/2015 17:45:58)

DISS: my life was heavily bombarded today .... i got no clue of what is going to happen, but it seem to be going very very bad, I just hope It won't change me very much.

ACC: thing are calming down a bit today, it'll still need some time untill it gets back to normal, but i though it's take longer.

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/8/2015 18:55:41)

Dis: A college in my city is graduating and the ceremony traffic is going to be congested. The ceremony is two to three days. (Three if some of it started today.) So my Mother's Day plans are ruined...

Dis: My graduation ceremony has been bumped up the the Sunday after my last day of school, so I'll have less time to prepare my life for after the ceremony...

Acc: After seeing Big Hero 6 in my city's dollar theater yesterday for the infinite-th time, I got treated to Waffle House. For the first time in my life, my order was "cockroach free."

???: Am I wrong if I spend close to a hundred dollars to see Big Hero 6 in theater while it's in theaters every weekend or whenever I get the opportunity to take a friend who's never seen it before?

Dis: I forgot! They still haven't sent my check from last visit's "cockroach platter special!" >:O

Digital X -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/13/2015 15:17:33)

ACC: Bought a Samsung EVO 120GB SSD. Boots in under 10 seconds. Very impressed :)

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/14/2015 6:56:34)

Acc: Obtained some money from a Nielson survey. That's one part of my life to love. [:D]
Dis: Thank goodness it was an even amount, because as always, my mom wanted some of the money... X_X
Acc: I guess it could be reimbursement from making her pay to go see Avengers: Age of Ultron while I had no money, but a free ticket for me from an Eggo waffle promotion... She tagged along because I wanted her to drop me off at the theater because I had no cash for the city bus and she was like, "If I'm going, I might as well stay. :P"

Dis: Got Rihanna's new song American Oxygen stuck in my head. [:'(]

Xplayer -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/27/2015 15:11:01)

Acc: Got a "real" job.
Acc: Forums aren't blocked by the network. :P

10inchesjedi -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/28/2015 10:54:52)

Acc: Finishing my degree in Physics. I hope! This is my last semester.
Dis: The number of threads here is so low, what happened?
Acc: Learning German! If there's any that wants to help me, just PM.
Acc: Might be getting an internship in Japan :D

SonicTbear -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/3/2015 10:28:36)

@Xplayer: How about trying incognito mode so there won't be traces of the Forums on their network and they block it? [;)]

Dis: Failed my Trigonometry exam... I just took it and turned it in but I know I got 99.9...% of the answers wrong on it... I'm stupid... I wish I was Asian... [:'(]

Seth Hydra -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/3/2015 11:21:41)

^Yikes sorry bout that mate! Although tbh, even if you are asian, you do have to study :P

ACC: Finished my electronics exam... went nicely, aside from the fact that my circuit shorted because my partner messed up a connection. Aside from that though, couldnt have gone better.
ACC: Assembly Language exam the day after... and here I am stalking the forums.

Hollow Knight -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/14/2015 16:29:23)

ACC: Moving to Florida
DIS: Didn't get my black belt
DIS: Aunt died
DIS: GF Left me
ACC: Starting a new life
ACC/DIS: Taking a year off college

Digital X -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (6/15/2015 5:19:59)

ACC: Woke up 6AM, gym at 7AM.
ACC: Four pasties for £1.75, Morrisons is a god send.

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