RE: Mercenaries Need a Buff (Full Version)

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Sageofpeace -> RE: Mercenaries Need a Buff (4/22/2013 18:37:03)

A good buff to Mercenary be

Remove Blood Commander OR intimidate Give and give them Reflex Boost (REQUIEREMENT 43 DEX at Max)
Remove Adrenaline and give them a Passive that's lets them take less Damage base on %

Name something like Iron Will(Requirement 43 Tech at Max)
Level 1:4% Level 5: 12% Level 9:17%
Level 2:6% Level 6: 13% Level 10: 20%
Level 3:8% Level 7: 15%
Level 4:10% Level 8: 16%

And i Know asking For a Little Buff to Hybird amor is a little out Question but here it goes(CHANGE HYBIRD REQUIEREMENT TO STREGHNT)
Make so at max level it be +4Dex and +9 Tech


Exploding Penguin -> RE: Mercenaries Need a Buff (4/22/2013 21:57:18)

@hard boy: The fact that you can pressure the opponent to think that azrael's will + rage is coming up will keep them from using the debuff for the full 3 turns, or even 2 turns. If I generator and they emp me 2 times, I heal 21 hp, and lose all my energy. However, if the opponent does this, they lose 2 turns and 30-35 energy, or about half of their energy. Half of the opponent's energy and 2 turns is quite pricey considering that they spent it removing all my energy. I still have decent offensive capability (mainly because adrenaline sometimes gives me an unpredictable 1-turn faster rage) without my energy.

@craneo: Those bots are near useless as their base power is quite low compared to other bots, and 65% really isn't much. Assault bots are only useful if the opponent debuffs you with a debuff and Omega Override, or you're in 2v2 and you get double debuffed.

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