End of EpicDuel (afterwards) (Full Version)

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Sipping Cider -> End of EpicDuel (afterwards) (4/19/2013 14:21:17)

There has been some threads around this topic already, however, I want to look more at after the end of Epic Duel.

This is the Omega phase, which hints at this being the last phase. The last phase could mean many things, but what if it meant no more changes to Epic Duel afterwards?


a game cant be entertaining to you for long time, if it is, then there is something wrong with your brain! with that said, this is probably true for any game, once you beginning to know the dynamics of the game, the rules, how things are supposed to work, e.t.c, then the game stop being fun, and every time the game doesn't behave how you it should, you feel anger and things like that. so the game stop being played for fun, but rather competition. A noob will have a blast with this game, A, because the don't fully understand the dynamics, and B, because since the weren't here earlier in this game, then the are not stuck in the mindset of what how good the game was.

What I am sorta hoping for is a brand new game. Artix entertainment keeps coming out with new games all the time it seems, and our beloved devs have been working on Epic Duel the whole time. Unless it is their life purpose to keep improving EpicDuel forever, I am guessing it gets boring for them to work on the same game for so long.

Discussion: Do you think they developers could create a brand new game, and if so would you support them?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: End of EpicDuel (afterwards) (4/19/2013 14:36:00)

i would support but you cannot do much apart from side view objects on a 2D flash game, epicduel's current storyline is a good starting point, we just need more crazy NPCs and storyline events.

jzozezjzozez -> RE: End of EpicDuel (afterwards) (4/19/2013 15:27:20)

ed needs more peopel to help. they are screwed. why not ask artix?

Lycus -> RE: End of EpicDuel (afterwards) (4/19/2013 17:48:16)

I am going to lock this topic up, since the topic has been brought up many times and yet another topic is not needed, even if it is slightly different. First I will give the best answer I can give to explain how everything works:

First and foremost, the phase does not exactly mean how far through the cycle of EpicDuel's life we are. Of course, when a game is in Alpha, it is in very early testing phases, when the game is in Beta, it means it has hit a much more public testing phase and usually once a game goes past that, it is classed as the finished game basis. However once it is past that, phases tend not to mean as much based on time, more how much the game changes. For example, every time we make an absolutely huge overhaul to the game and it has been quite a long time since the last phase change, we may initiate another phase. This is such as the Omega update that introduced a completely overhauled item system and character creation system, which pretty much changed the whole of the core gameplay, being one of the biggest changes we have ever made.

Look at Adventure Quest as an example, the game was created over 10 years ago and is still being updated to this very day, all-be-it, not quite as regularly. This is part of the main aim of Artix Entertainments, they create games that constantly change, get new updates regularly and players continue to enjoy the games because there is always something new. Not many companies promise that. There is still a lot to happen in EpicDuel, the story line is still growing and many other things are on the horizon.

The main thing is the fact that the Developers for EpicDuel have always worked on EpicDuel (apart from Charfade who previously worked on MQ). They know and love the game, Titan and NightWraith started the game from scratch back in college! They have very strong connections to the game and they certainly will continue to work on the game for as long as they can. If there is anything about AE games, it is their long life - there may be ups and downs and some issues a long the way, but that is something that happens in EVERY aspect of life. At the end of the day, all AE games continue to be updated on a regular basis and this happens despite their age. AQW has been around longer than EpicDuel, yet is still being worked on harder than ever and updated no end! So have confidence that it is fine considering 'the end', but it will likely not be any time soon!

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