Energy shot vs. Generator (Full Version)

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edwardvulture -> Energy shot vs. Generator (4/19/2013 15:11:57)

I think generator is way to useful compared to energy shot. When you energy shot someone and they generator, they get their mp back and some more health, I think the percentage should be improved or some damage to health could be given to it. Thoughts?

ansh0 -> RE: Energy shot vs. Generator (4/19/2013 15:24:30)

Energy shot should do damage like Azrael's Will.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Energy shot vs. Generator (4/19/2013 22:16:12)

Either it does a bonus 85% damage or you can attack energy with 100% of your weapon's damage

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Energy shot vs. Generator (4/20/2013 1:02:58)

Actually, that would be interesting if energy shot had added damage, but then it'd just be like assim except without the EP return.

What I actually thought of a while ago was make the EP removal like a normal attack, where it can be deflected and can crit, and will stack with passive cores so that it will remove 85% normal when used with dage's gun (but hit both opponents), and will gain a +4% crit chance when used with sidearm mastery core guns. If it crits, it will remove an additional % of energy, or something of the like.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Energy shot vs. Generator (4/20/2013 1:05:15)

@ exploding

Now that would make things interesting!

ReconnaisX -> RE: Energy shot vs. Generator (4/20/2013 1:41:49)


Very interesting, you mean.

edwardvulture -> RE: Energy shot vs. Generator (4/26/2013 19:04:44)

yes energy shot should have damage

Tushar -> RE: Energy shot vs. Generator (4/26/2013 23:10:52)

Generator is very good core...

It's armor's active core maybe that's why they made it good...

Maybe because they removed boosters...

Gun and Aux cores are not very useful but still they come in handy sometimes... (not about azrael weapons...)

It's good already...

There are so much cores which can take energy...

And frost bite is now available with different name... It's useful because I have been using it since 2010 :)

With no damage energy shot helped me when I had to skip rage for my good attack...

And i usually take 10-11 energy which is enough for a core...

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