Buying cores (Full Version)

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sky222 -> Buying cores (4/20/2013 17:16:38)

How about during an event we can buy the core of a promo for maybe 25000 creds or 2k varium, and then that core shows up in the core list and is free for us to apply for the usual 7000 credits.
Also if you buy the promo then the core shows up like that too.
So, right now we could buy the root core and during february we could buy azreal will/anguish

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Buying cores (4/20/2013 18:18:29)

1st Core inv. would be needed which is in FSI
2nd Suppoerted since id like to have those cores Even if they are 50k I mean azreals will core it makes every possible abuse so easy and it just ruins the game for 50k id buy the core.

Melbourne -> RE: Buying cores (4/21/2013 0:25:03)

Not supported. A promo is a promotional item, which means you buy it from the promoted offer. The logic doesn't make sense. If you want it pay for it.

EpicIsEpic -> RE: Buying cores (4/21/2013 9:37:29)

they realease a game breaking core not mentioning any of them *cough azreals wil.. cough*
And then they say we removed every thing so F2P are = to P2P*
*Insta win core is only aivaivable to P2W.
This would make sence that every one could have them for 50k since it wouldnt be P2 win

odsey -> RE: Buying cores (4/21/2013 9:38:53)

Not supported. Next year the core will be available for everyone with exception of phase core.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Buying cores (4/21/2013 11:32:18)

@epicispic: It's available next year. Players who paid for varium just get a year head-start, but in a year F2P players will be able to get the same cores that varium players have right now.

Melbourne -> RE: Buying cores (4/21/2013 16:43:59)

For the last time it is not an instant-win. I am a level 32 TLM and have beaten plenty of 5 focus BH's and such that have the azraels gear. Goodness. And like everybody else is saying, it'll be available next year.

Mother1 -> RE: Buying cores (4/21/2013 17:08:26)

Not supported. If this happened then promo items will completely lose their identities since said cores would be available to place on any item with a blank slot. Besides since any new promo (other then phase promo's) will never go rare anyways since they will be back in a year when said event comes back again.

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