Unlockable Cores (Full Version)

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Reki -> Unlockable Cores (4/22/2013 10:27:29)

I believe that promotional cores (from past phases) should be able to be unlocked and replaced on items.
My reasoning is simple. First off it would not give them any further advantage except that it would put them on level with any other non promotional item in game already by allowing use of any core, secondly these are items people paid real money to obtain yet they are at somewhat of a disadvantage now, thirdly it would cost the same amount to buy a core now if you choose to replace it but on top of that you would have to pay a fairly similar amount just to unlock the core...which in turn would make it less likely to be something common in my opinion but nothing excessive.

Remember unlocking and replacing a promo core is optional. But id like to hear everyone else's thoughts (no flaming and respect others opinions).

Make unlocking a core a one time fee? Unlock now and replace whenever?
Make the promo core 're-purchasable'? Make the promo core lost for good? Make it a miscellaneous item in inventory that can be equipped whenever to whatever item?
Old promo items only (aside from bots)?

Discuss people...

Drianx -> RE: Unlockable Cores (4/22/2013 10:57:36)

I would rather support the implementation of a core inventory option because, with usual balance shifts, many would surely regret removing a rare core at a certain point.

Reki -> RE: Unlockable Cores (4/22/2013 11:05:53)

I agree, but that would also mean that you could purchase a core just once and use it for any number of the primary (or whatever the core is for)...thus the price would be probably far more significant. For now though id settle just for being able to replace an old promo core if wanted, and the fact that its optional means i dont have to if i want to keep the core (for now till they implement cores as inv. items if they do)lol

Mother1 -> RE: Unlockable Cores (4/22/2013 11:12:00)

While I can see this as a good idea myself, unless the staff changes their mind about leaving certain cores locked (since they claimed they didn't want certain items losing their identities) this may never happen.

fishing989 -> RE: Unlockable Cores (4/22/2013 11:47:21)

maybe have a Core shop with Cores that can not be already in/on a Item. such as the Regen. cost 7k creds or 500 Varium (rounded)

Maybe have a shop that sells nothing but Cores and i do support the core inventory but they would be Misc, Items as they can not be used any other way then in a battle

How ever i do agree with the past comments about some items need to keep their ID so unless that Item comes back as a Limited or Seasonal Rare then that should be the only way that the cores should be allowed back in game.

than again not saying this is a bad idea but just need a but more thought put in to it.

Scyze -> RE: Unlockable Cores (4/24/2013 5:31:49)

So, you want people to have the option to unlock Cores which are locked? Well, it's a great idea isn't it?

Allowing this will only make people more eager to replace the Core. Also, if the Cores do not go away but stay in your Inventory, it will make purchasing other Weapons close to useless.
If this was to happen, why wouldn't it already have been done? Or shouldn't we have been told about this?

As much as most people want it

unlocked and replaced
it may end up making the Core close to extinct. There might be Cores that are better than the original but that doesn't mean it should be change-able.

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