What other online games do you play? (Full Version)

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Liz Vicious -> What other online games do you play? (4/22/2013 13:35:45)

Hello all. What's your general online gaming experience? Have you found that Epic Duel has informed any other online games you now play or have other online games bought you to Epic Duel? I'm just curious. Have fun and I hope everyone is enjoying themselves.

Sensei Chan -> RE: What other online games do you play? (4/22/2013 14:18:44)

How Does This Have Anything To Do With Epic Duel.

Liz Vicious -> RE: What other online games do you play? (4/22/2013 14:41:06)

It has everything to do with Epic Duel. It annoys me how incredibly pedantic people are on this forum. It relates to Epic Duel because I'm essentially via a survey if you will, asking people about the effectiveness of this game. Which has everything to do with game play and it's ongoing appeal. If anything, finding out players online gaming habits you would think, would be vital information for Artix Entertainment.

goldslayer1 -> RE: What other online games do you play? (4/22/2013 14:57:02)


If anything, finding out players online gaming habits you would think, would be vital information for Artix Entertainment.

i like creating things, like builds. and atm the current balance system limits us creative players from creating.

i like learning how things work (only in things im interested in. thats where school systems fail today, but thats a different topic) so that it gives me a better understanding on subject, etc.

sleddyboy3 -> RE: What other online games do you play? (4/22/2013 17:13:38)

Besides this, I enjoy console gaming..not so much PC, ever since Omega was released.

caser5 -> RE: What other online games do you play? (4/22/2013 17:20:36)

If I had a better computer with a nice Geforce graphics card I would rarely, if ever, play ED. The flash and Intel graphics card go nicely together :3. I have played Fiesta Online which I find WAY more entertaining than ED, but its new security provider makes my computer have fits.

Perhaps ED could introduce more in-game content that doesn't involve a $50 promo offer. Or more co-operative player initiatives.

Scakk -> RE: What other online games do you play? (4/22/2013 17:37:43)

This is not the place for this type of discussion. If you wish to discuss other games then please use the Entertainment Forum.

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