Realistic Aspect (Full Version)

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classifiedname -> Realistic Aspect (4/22/2013 13:40:16)

we all know how it works, in two vs two we take turns fighting one by one. One player targets the opponent player and shoots him with a bunker buster. The bunker buster then explodes dealing damage to that one player, While the other one who is standing about 2 feet away remains unharmed. This is completely unrealistic, because in real life if one were standing 5 feet away from a grenade, plasma, or even a rocket explosion they would be dealt damage. So my suggestion is to give the skills "Plasma bolt", "Bunker buster", "Stun Grenade", and "Plasma grenade" a status effect called Collateral damage. What this means is that a given percentage of the damage done to one player is going to bounce onto his partner in a two vs two battle. I believe 25% of the damage dealt would be fair. For example, in a two vs two battle we have player A and B verses players C and D. Now it is player A's turn, and he targets player D with a stun grenade. The Stun grenade deals 30 damage and stuns player D, but it also does 8 damage ( rounded to the nearest whole number) to player C. However, take notice that no stun effects would be carried over to player C, but the 30% stun chance still remains effective to player D ( NOTE: that any of the special attacks such as surgical strike, or super charge would not have Collateral damage. Even though they look big in actuality they are more refine targeting skills which makes it reasonable to only hit those caught in the beam. Same would go for "Overload". ) Also Auxiliary weapons do shoot rockets, but i think it would be more balanced if Collateral damage was offered as a skill core for such weapons. And for more Balance there is also a flip side to this effect . Players should be allowed to purchase an armor skill core called " Combat Vest" which protects From all Collateral Damage.

UnderSoul -> RE: Realistic Aspect (4/22/2013 13:44:20)

This would definitely make things more interesting. Supported 100%.

Stabilis -> RE: Realistic Aspect (4/22/2013 14:31:02)

So if I was fighting 2 people in Juggernaut, I could use Massacre on 1 of the 2-

but I don't like the way that other guy is looking at me, so I come up in his face and start slapping him with my cat claws.

I'm serious guys.

But really, collateral damage is possible, so long as these single target skills get the appropriate balance.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Realistic Aspect (4/22/2013 14:48:55)

it sounds interesting.
i can already hear the nay sayers be against this idea because of some individual skill (lets face it, the skills aren't balanced)

Mother1 -> RE: Realistic Aspect (4/22/2013 15:09:32)

@ goldslayer1

OP also said there should be an armor to block this, but at the same time it would be more like "Why should I have to forced to buy an armor to protect me from something that shouldn't be in the game period."

But until better balance comes, and this is properly tested (let's face it many new things that come into the game are 9/10 never balanced either) I couldn't support it.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Realistic Aspect (4/22/2013 15:27:32)

i suppose thats a fair excuse. (balance being broken)
then again because balance is broken, atleast half the suggestions wouldn't be useful.

classifiedname -> RE: Realistic Aspect (4/22/2013 16:01:52)

umm massacure would not effect 2 people? the only skills that would grant this is the ones i stated

@Mother1 you have to admit though, collateral damage would be totally legit

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