megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/26/2013 14:44:48)
...Am I the only one who is beghinning to think OS IS getting a little money hungrey? I mean, look at this: 12 characters are released. ALL of them have SG evolutions. WHile Card Customisations cards DO have a Golld Option, it is 30,000 gold. ALso, the cards for Sg are 5 SG for an as yet unknown amount of card, but I would expect the mumber to be low. 5 SG for something constantly brought, and a grand total of 48 SG spent on THIS RELEASE ALONE. BEFORE CC CMES OUT. WITH 1 SG BEING EQUAL TO 50 AC. I'm sorry, but this... this is just greed.