RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:03:02)

Sleeping time. Also Mondez just followed you on twitter o/. Night everyone.

Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:04:12)

Anyway... Monk, show yourself!

'Night Andlu.

Agaraoth2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:11:10)

@Lab thanks im running a analysis of the two i have gotten Kruger to place 4 shatters but for some strange reason i cant seem to get 4 poisons.

Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:11:27)

Double posts included in "confusion".


Try PD or discarding everything every turn. I've done 5.

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:12:22)

Well I'm really going out now
@Lemonus Eh I'm sorry. Didn't know it was included.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:12:31)

X3 You got more followers than me, but then again I'm not really that social online as I am in real life.

Who's getting dire monk coming out this week? Also so far no bad news on CC so this week it might be released on time, but I don't want to jinx it. [:D]

*fixed [;)]

Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:16:12)

It's Who's not Whose. (sorry, pet peeve)

Still haven't seen Monk in ages sooo... not me.

So Monk IS evil...

PD doesn't have MoD.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:25:58)

Like I said before, it might've made sense for monk if they had the alignment feature out unless in this storyline the monk gave up tranquility for power and he transcends to Dire Monk who is legendary.

ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:30:13)

It could be that Nulgath just wanted to release Dire Monk and then release the Good/Neutral aligned Legendary at a later time.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:31:29)

Please stop with the off-topic discussions, as we've said before, if they constitute the majority or entirety of your posts, you will be warned. Additionally, discussion of cheating or abuse of game mechanics and glitches/exploits is not permitted under any circumstances. If you see a bug, report it. Do not discuss it. If you report it, it will be noted by the devs and fixed when they read the Bugs threads.

Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:32:32)

So... Forked Tree anyone?


Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:36:22)

@above i should have clearified that i was talking about my revonthous.

But anyways on the topic i am thinking that apart from the enxt released if they released one character they should be releasing aswell the next creature of the week with the dire monk.wich would be the slime.

Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:48:19)

Love Weaves REALLY needs to have a new victory pose. She doesn't seem to be the type to just wave her arms forward afterwards...

Mishap - 5
Monk - 0

Agaraoth2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/23/2013 22:58:29)

Why can't i get 4 poisons on a enemy :(

Blackshock -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 3:23:45)

Assuming that's a deck with 2 poisons, the probability is rather low, if it were PD, then maybe you could get 4 poisons on.

On a side note, check out who's done with his sweet new pumpkinlord wallpaper

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 4:45:22)

Man! More new characters to come and Rev had already designed another Asylum theme character, Brutus! The most best part is that the new asylum characters will be release along with the Grand Quest which will fill with plenty of new characters, quests and story!! This Grand Quest is really going to be way beyond super EXCITING!! It will be release soon after CC! I am now really waiting patiently for the CC but it have to wait for another few weeks before CC is release then GQ will be next with different stories filled with quests and characters! OS is so going to be the top AE game and we hope that OS will have lots of players joining us! The excitement just keep entertaining me and all the more, I should no longer pvp and concentrate on hunting new characters, train them and even play new storyline and quests! [:D]

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 4:52:32)

I doubt GQ is after CC. The team most likely want all the major features finished before starting the GQ.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 4:58:15)

Yes, I forgot to include the major features. Also, I am seriously so annoyed by only the lifetime PvP LB because it somehow still add victories to the players when the tournament is already over.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 5:03:31)

Not really a big fan of lifetime LB either, Fire was pretty much dominating.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 5:11:04)

Yup and that's why I don't frequently used HHM in the tournament but most of the time I used HHM just to end the tournament quicker due to being busy. Someone got to tweet Nulgath to remove the Lifetime LB until the next tournament and so on. Furthermore, some of the players who do made it to top 100 weren't listed in the lifetime LB currently because some players who were close to the victories the top 90-100 gain when the tournament end were still random duel and then it can cause misunderstood. So, the lifetime LB should be removed by this Friday and then the top 100 players' name will be shown at the hall of champion by this Friday. Of course not the current lifetime LB but the real lifetime LB which contain the true results.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 5:29:27)

Still hoping for restrictions in tournaments to make it more interesting. Like only 2 specific elements are allowed (as an example) or you need to use a specific type of character (Fiend, Human, animal etc)

Would make tournament much more interesting if you were restricted to a certain type/character.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 5:43:38)

Although I won't participate in any future tournament ever again but yeah, it is be an interesting tournament. I may at least just participate in one match and that's it for only small reward. I don't take advantage of the small reward system but I have already explained why I won't participate.

Voltaggia 1551 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 7:08:54)

There is this bug that has been (excuse the pun) bugging me and I was too tired to report it. It's only happened once so I don't have any proof but Scrooge can vouch for me.
I was using Headless Horseman during the tournament and this has only happened close to the end of the tournament. I happened to be able to use incinerate on a fireball which resulted in 1600 damage.
I wasn't able to perform it again so I know it was a bug. I posted this here just in case someone knew what was going on.

Btw the Oversoul name is Legend Reborn.

EDIT: I just need to know whether it can be reproduced or not in order to report it as a bug.

Asuka -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 7:59:38)

Already known about.

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 116 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/24/2013 8:46:12)

Still there is no sign of Weteye yet! Its been like almost a week.

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