King Helios -> Robot Technology Bonus (4/23/2013 14:02:20)
Hey guys. Lately I have been thinking about Robots, and decided that their working with technology is too strong, especially for Tactical Mercenaries (Mineral Armor). Here is the current progression: quote:
15 1-5 20 2-6 25 3-7 30 4-8 35 5-9 40 6-10 45 7-11 50 8-12 55 9-13 61 10-14 67 11-15 73 12-16 79 13-17 85 14-18 92 15-19 99 16-20 106 17-21 113 18-22 120 19-23 127 20-24 Notice the slow diminishing. Now, what I plan to do is as follows. Move start back to 25, lower range by 1 for all levels. From 25 to 60, have it still increase by 5 tech. 66-96, have it increase by 6. Above 96, have it increase by 7. It would now look like this: 25 1-4 30 2-5 35 3-6 40 4-7 45 5-8 50 6-9 55 7-10 60 8-11 66 9-12 72 10-13 78 11-14 84 12-15 90 13-16 96 14-17 103 15-18 110 16-19 117 17-20 124 18-21 TL;DR: Lower Robot Tech Bonus by about 3 for focus and high-tech builds.