Dual cores on promos (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Exploding Penguin -> Dual cores on promos (4/24/2013 22:19:08)

Before Omega, lots of cores on promos were passive, but were changed to active. As kind of a mix-up, I'm suggesting that any promo has both an active and passive core, and the player can alternate between using these whenever they want. For example, if I want an active core on my frost destroyer, I could choose to use the passive frostbite instead. If I wanted a passive core on dage's guns, I could switch to an active spreadshot (which will be able to be used multiple times). This would apply to pretty much all previous promos, excluding certain ones that it wouldn't work with, such as infernal interdictor.

Mother1 -> RE: Dual cores on promos (4/24/2013 22:44:39)

I can support this idea as it would bring some excitement back into the game. However I can here some people not supporting this because it would turn certain cores back into luck based cores (such as thorn assault and Jack o fire.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Dual cores on promos (4/25/2013 3:47:17)


Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Dual cores on promos (4/25/2013 6:19:35)

My answer:

not supporting this because it would turn certain cores back into luck based cores (such as thorn assault and Jack o fire.)

No more luck based cores pls..

Xendran -> RE: Dual cores on promos (4/25/2013 16:50:25)

Every single passive core in the game needs to be removed anyway, they're all bad for the game and need to be replaced with passive cores that have actual interesting uses.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Dual cores on promos (4/25/2013 19:33:36)

@xendran: While I wish this was true, I'm pretty sure it's obvious the chances of all passive cores being removed is near nothing.

NDB -> RE: Dual cores on promos (4/25/2013 21:14:03)

Support. Its unfair that many promos have become slightly UP because their cores became active. I mean, really, devs? No matter what you say, Generator and Meteor are just way too good for 7000 credits......

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