Vewy Wascawy Wabbit (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Vewy Wascawy Wabbit (4/25/2013 2:26:12)

Vewy Wascawy Wabbit

«Fully Defensive Ice/Earth Armor. Turns into Fully Offensive Fire/Darkness Armor when hit by Fire/Darkness.»

Also see: Wabbit, Wascawy Wabbit, Vewy Wascawy Wabbit, Weawwy Wascawy Wabbit

Level: 110
Power Level: 120
Price: 9,050 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 8,145 Z-Tokens the first 48 Hrs | 4,525 Z-Tokens After
Location: Eggstra-Secret Shop ( Grenwog Festival 2013) / Grenwog Portal Painting
Element: Neutral

Melee: +48
Ranged: +48
Magic: +48

Fire: 100%
Water: 88%
Wind: 88%
Ice: 49%
Earth: 49%
Energy: 95%
Light: 95%
Darkness: 100%

Hits: 2
Element: «As Weapon»
Type: «As Weapon»
Damage: 173.78% Base, 173.78% Random, and 336.98% Stats each
BTH: 20 plus Stats each
Rate: 100%

  • Cute Form receives Armor Lean x0.8
  • Demonic Form receives Armor Lean x1.25
  • When hit by Fire or Darkness, it turns into its demonic form. You stay in this form until you're hit by an Earth or Ice attack (or you log out). When hit by an Earth or Ice attack, you turn back into the cute form. Demonic Form has the following:
      Melee: +40
      Magic: +40
      Ranged: +40

      Fire 49%
      Water 75%
      Ice 85%
      Wind 75%
      Earth 65%
      Energy 65%
      Light 85%
      Dark 49%

      Hits: 4
      Element: «As Weapon»
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Damage: 152.73% Base, 152.73% Random, and 296.17% Stats each
      BTH: 10 plus Stats each
      Rate: 100%

    Inspired by Tanzlee on the forums, we decided to make an armor from his freaky monster idea! This form turns you into a cute wittle bunny, and if you are attacked with certain elements, then you transform into a big demon wabbit!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Link to Grewnog 2013 thanks to Pink_Star.


  • Cute Form starts off with 368% B/R, 713.6% Stats, and 15 BTH.
  • Demonic Form starts off with 575% B/R, 1115% Stats, and 15 BTH.

  • Cute Form: It gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage. With two equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage.
  • Demonic Form: It takes -5 BTH and deals *85/80 damage. With four equally powerful hits, each hit does 25% damage.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.

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