Balancing out Assimilation (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> Balancing out Assimilation (4/25/2013 2:36:57)

To make it fair, shouldn't they make Atom Basher unblockable also?

Mother1 -> RE: Balancing out Assimilation (4/25/2013 2:40:52)

Actually even when blocked it still takes away energy. The only reason why Assimilation is so powerful in comparison is because like EMP the numbers are fixed where atom Smasher is based on a percent of your damage.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Balancing out Assimilation (4/25/2013 2:48:54)

Why not make assim only take 15% of the given amount it should take when contacted?

Would still make it equal to Atom..

NDB -> RE: Balancing out Assimilation (4/25/2013 21:02:18)

I agree with everyone who says it is OP. However, I would like to share my reasoning to why I believe so.
So, without further ado, a letter to RabbleFroth:

You are absolutely correct that Assimilation is not underpowered. In fact, in my opinion it is insanely OVERPOWERED after the April 19th Patch, period.

With that in mind I present to you the list of reasons in which I back up my case.

Almost all of the TMs who use Assimilation are Technology Casters who (please look at this for God's sake):

1) are so weak that half the time they will inflict 3 Damage which clearly defeats the purpose of

a) the recent 85% Damage balance adjustment made on the skill. Even if they would have done otherwise, the damage was still significant in most cases seeing how as long as those Plasma Bolts gethrough, they win.

b) blocking which, as we all know, will also inflict 3. Essentially the skill has become "unblockable" in these cases which can be extremely frustrating, especially because many inexperienced players (*hint, hint* look in the low levels) do not bother to maintain high Dexterity when abusing Technology.

2) most definitely DO have the skill points to allocate a maxed Reroute and Assimilation, especially when referring to the majority forum contributors, the Level 35 players. By obtaining 34 points at this level, 14 points can be distributed throughout the Skill Tree, that easily defeat your intention of a weakened Mage through this type of abuse accordingly: 1 in Bludgeon to unlock Reroute, at least 3-4 Technician for an the appropriated shield and buff for Plasma Bolt, 1 Malfuntion to unlock Assimilation, 2-4 Field Medic for Tank playing, 3-4 Defense Matrix for an appropriate shield to cover the naturally lower Defense, and about a level 3 Plasma Bolt for easy looping. As you can see, this strategy then leads to another sly form of abuse that again, destroys your pathetic attempts at balance because by "weakening" the other respective skills of the Caster, it has lead to the use of the Level 3 Plasma Bolt described above that, if you have not noticed, almost every smart player has learned to adapt. This notion then escapes both the new Strength requirement and Energy Costs so precisely, its outrageous. As you must know yourself, this Bolt asks for a mere 19 Strength which you have given the Tech Mage--the base Strength of a TM has been changed from 18 to 20. Similarly, it will take 17 Energy which, with that 20 Strength is granted through a single maxed Assimilation. May I ask, are these coincidences?! Now, in what way are they weak when they no longer need to invest points into Strength, Energy, or Health (the former indirectly states that this Mage will possess incomprehensible Defenses) like the forgotten Casters from Delta and the beginning of Omega? Has the fact that players are no longer investing points into Super Charge because of this, yet make just as powerful builds as they have before, gotten to you yet, or are you blind?

Mother1 -> RE: Balancing out Assimilation (4/25/2013 21:21:28)


While I can agree with a lot of this I can speak for myself and say I actually invest points into supercharge. In fact I don't even use any of those builds that are OP for TM even if I could get more win with one of them.

But I have to ask this. If rabble knows that this move is too strong what does he intend to do about it? Knowing something is too strong and doing something (that doesn't blow up in our faces) about it are two different things.

NDB -> RE: Balancing out Assimilation (4/25/2013 21:32:46)

He does as he sees fit. From my experience, your more likely to get something to change if you complain, instead of suggesting ways to fix it (quite opposite to what you'd think it'd be...).

Tushar -> RE: Balancing out Assimilation (4/25/2013 22:03:07)

Why you guys bother only skills?
It's not OP for those who don't use caster build...
and for those too who don't use those supp and str build with azraels wep...

..Jasmine.. -> RE: Balancing out Assimilation (4/26/2013 15:34:35)


Because, if we balance skill we can balance 90% of this game.

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