RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (Full Version)

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kaiseryeux21 -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 0:17:17)

^not yet. The release MOSTLY comes friday 6 or 7 pm est.

on topic, this is what i wanted to see. More rewards, more free stuffs, more reason to continue playing PvP. nice job devs. i dont really mind if its a war or a saga. An event like this will surely bring back players into battle again. Good start devs, and may you continue adding rewards to every battle.

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 0:28:22)

^It IS Friday(for me at least)

Colarndo -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 0:33:20)

Man these events are getting harder. I couldn't complete the previous egg hunt as the random drop chances were so low. Low drop rates and you have to battle and win 1v1s or 2v2s. I don't really look forward to new content anymore:(

leo12 -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 0:36:43)

Im a tactical merc..
Mages - assimilation even with low defense there is no block ( block is there but just for name sake )
jugg battles are worse like never before u can check the winning rate of tlm with other classes ..
even if tlm(25 defense ) want to take energy blocks with 11(defense ) character and he cant take energy ...
azrael aux - for tlm when malfed he uses blood shield ( its his own health not from skill tree ) but still it reduces.
jugg battles with 2 mages ( one with lowwwww defense and one with looowwwww tech ) and still the battle is lost without getting chance ( stun plasma game over [:@] )
In MY OPINION TLM should have any skill like malf or ( smoke like before ) other wise that class is good only for 2vs2 or 1v1 but not for jugg
im posting this here because you will check fast in new discussion

leo12 -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 0:40:13)

I support u colarndo [:-]yeti pelts drop rate is also unfair

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 0:45:25)

@ansh did i just write est^^? or shall i say eastern time to be exact.

more likely 18 hours before the release if im not mistaken.

Drangonslayer -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 2:21:28)

Easter eggs were rather easy and the yeti pelts shoundlt be easy to get unless of course you're lucky. You can instead buy yeti growth serum to save TONS of time. For the easter egg hubt hey gave us weeks. Enought time if you tried a bit.

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 5:15:12)

Fighting players again? Oh well here comes the quick builds.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 5:17:55)


it's a saga not a full on war.

That's a pity.

You disappoint me once again.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 5:25:38)

@above whats the difference? in both wars or sagas, you have to do pvp, you get rewards, you do missions, you get cheevos

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 5:27:47)

^ War's like Infernal War gave:
Cheevo based on total War points
Cheevo for a daily winner
Cheevo for the winning side
Cant be finished (as in on your own like the delta vault, you relay on others)

One lousy cheevo
Can be finished. (as in the egg hunt)

Thats the difference.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 5:46:09)


Cheevo for a daily winner

did that even exist? i don't think i have seen that


Cheevo based on total War points

personally getting a free 2k rating cheevo is better


Cheevo for the winning side

most complained that it wasn't fair, and that system is not fair in my opinion since the side that has got the most players would obviously win


Cant be finished (as in on your own like the delta vault, you relay on others)

another excuse for being lazy, most only signed up but didn't participate and yet they still got the cheevo, while sagas you need to spend your own time and do stuff on your own to get your reward.

so i think sagas are much better than wars bcuz people have to work to get their reward and not being lazy relying on others.
overall they are the same since they all have the same things
-fighting NPCs

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 5:50:57)


did that even exist? i don't think i have seen that

Infernal War hero.

personally getting a free 2k rating cheevo is better

Both take PvP battles as you said yourself, how can i then get a free 2k rating cheevo?

most complained that it wasn't fair, and that system is not fair in my opinion since the side that has got the most players would obviously win

I heard people saying that it was close, and exile won, yet i see way more legion then exile these days..

another excuse for being lazy, most only signed up but didn't participate and yet they still got the cheevo, while sagas you need to spend your own time and do stuff on your own to get your reward.

Dunno about this as i werent there..

So like i said, wars have more benefits then sagas

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 6:10:17)


Both take PvP battles as you said yourself, how can i then get a free 2k rating cheevo?

because you do not have to work very hard doing PVP to get a high rating cheevo like wars do, all you need to do is complete mission chains, and that's more fun than constantly doing PVP battles like the infernal war.

I heard people saying that it was close, and exile won, yet i see way more legion then exile these days..

that was that, and people change their minds you know, i was legion before then i became an exile, then back to legion

Dunno about this as i werent there..

well i was there and i only played a few battles and ended up getting all the stuff when it was other players who fought hard to break through the vault.


So like i said, wars have more benefits then sagas

yeah, if you like not doing much and let others do pretty much all the work(I'm not accusing you of being lazy but I'm directing it at a few others)

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 6:51:25)


@Trans, just had a look on the dev server there are some new inventory cores, but I can't say what they are:p Also, cores can't be dropped at the moment and a developer would need to address this going forward since it would require a change in the way cores are handled in the inventory.

Oh, this sure is interesting. That means Core Inventory *could* potentially be released but with restriction of being bound to the weapon (once applied). Even if, that's much better if you have set of 2-3 weapon tops and switch cores around. More than enough in fact. Unless, well, you like new art or new cores come out so moar combos.

Charfade -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 8:40:23)

Clarification on War's, Saga's and Events in EpicDuel

War: A War is a turning point in the EpicDuel Story line. Its typically a main event and only happen once ( sometimes twice ) a year. Usually include factions battles, Missions, New locations and map screams, New NPC's and new Boss Battles. They tend to also run much longer then Saga's and Event's do. Typically you'll know it's a war when its also written in the typography in the title of the event. Takes up to 4-5 months to developed a war start to finish and we only save them when for summer or winter breaks.

Saga: A saga is a continuation of the main EpicDuel story line. Like War's, Typically you'll know a saga when its also written in the typography in the title of the event. Saga's are a bit larger scale then then Event's in terms of missions and rewards. Including but not always, new NPC's a Boss battle and they also usually include a cut scene to wrap up the end of the story Saga.

Event: Usually a stand along side story that takes place in the EpicDule Universe. Like a side quest event. They tend to run a shorter amount of time then Saga's and War's do. They may or may not have new NPC's, but usually have a few new missions and rewards to collect. Consider events as expansions to the EpicDuel Universe.

I would consider Aborgeddon is an Hybrid Event. Not really a war, saga or event... but it will have elements of each. A Hodge-podge. ^^

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 9:17:03)

^ Then cinderella mislead us a bit with these DNs as she clearly said:

In addition to special War Prizes and more War Missions, players will be able to choose from a variety of plant-themed hairstyles to commemorate the occasion. More intense than a rose in your hair, that's for sure!

But i just hope it wont be so lame as the egg hunt..
Egg hunt was nothing more then PvP-ing with a flavour.

I hope it will be more exciting and time-consuming..

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 9:25:58)

I hope the rewards are either credits/BT/cheevos or stuff with cores.

If not that, don't bother with any prizes.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 10:27:49)


A new war is brewing in the Biological Preserve, and it will be up to you and your friends to stop it from spreading!

Taken from DN's April 9th 2013.

At first I thought this was going to be a full on war, ie Legion VS Exile due to NW's wording in his previous DN's.

Now with yesterdays DN's I thought it pretty much confirmed a new war. However, with the way the DN's were worded, I assumed it would not be traditional like the war for Frysteland or our previous one, the Infernal war.

Now with Charfade confirming it is not a traditional war once and for all, I am a little disappointed with the way the DN's have been worded.

If these 3 release terms were hashed out prior to these previous DN's how come they weren't used. Could of cleared up a lot of confusion if this was brought to our attention, ya know...two weeks ago when the first DN's about this hybrid event was posted.

Charfade -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 11:47:13)

Like I said above Arborgeddon is a Hybrid Event. Meaning it will have elements of each parts. We really can't call it a war since its missing some prime elements to call it a full on war. Such as ( like the DN's have stated ) it will have elements of a war like missions, war bar, war prizes. It wont involve factions, new locations, new leaderboards, or new npcs other then the ones that have been.. *updated with a new look*. The story is more or less a stand alone chapter in the EpicDuel universe so its not a saga. But it will have a new boss NPC, achievements and updated map screens which is why its not really just a stand alone event.

To also clarify, Arborgeddon not the same as the Epic Egg Hunt, it will have elements of it, but its not a flat out copy. Its actually not a flat out copy of anything. Its its own stand alone thing. Its like we took what players liked from each event,added a new dynamic to spice it up, and put it into one thing.

So I dont blame you if you are confused as to what to call this. Since its really a new class and I'm just calling it a hybrid event for sake of ease. However we never stated this event was a war, only that it had elements of a war, which is true.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 11:47:30)

oh well

Scyze -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 11:49:39)

Is it just me with this ridiculous bug?

After I do something in a battle, I freeze. All the animations of the Weapons, eyes still play while I stand like a statue. :/

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 11:57:25)

This is GD, you're much better off posting this in ED Bugs section.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 11:58:41)

@malicious i think it is just you, never happened to me

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= April 25th, 2013 - Arborgeddon Is Upon Us (4/26/2013 12:20:46)


Titan @Titan_EpicDuel
Oh, did we mention that 6 new CORES will be released today!?

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