Base Damage on Skills (Full Version)

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theholyfighter -> Base Damage on Skills (4/25/2013 22:54:54)

We know that all skills have a base damage of 3 (if not blocked). However, I was thinking about the fact that a Lvl 1 Skill and a Lvl 10 Skill have the same base amounts. What if your Lvl 1 skill hits the same damage as it being at Lvl 10? Isn't that disappointing? You spent more energy with the same result? Here I suggest setting different base damages as the Skill lvl goes higher. Not sure how it'll work tho, but it might have to work with 1 Pt--> 2 Hp.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Base Damage on Skills (4/25/2013 23:01:24)

This means I could take a very weak attack with a small EP cost and level it up to max solely for its base damage boost, especially if I had minimal strength or whatever stat the skill increased in. I find it problematic that if I was a hunter with an extremely small amount of strength, I could use max cheap shot, spent only 19 energy doing so, and always do 21 damage, with a chance of getting a crit for a much larger amount. Not supported.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Base Damage on Skills (4/25/2013 23:28:23)


spent only 19 energy doing so, and always do 21 damage,

who says it would be 21 damage?

i actually sort of agree in a way.
it would suck if your lowest damage possible was 3 at lvl 10. while its the same at lvl 1.
this makes skills worthless vs tanks/shields

King Helios -> RE: Base Damage on Skills (4/25/2013 23:42:45)


I find it problematic that if I was a hunter with an extremely small amount of strength, I could use max cheap shot, spent only 19 energy doing so, and always do 23+ damage, with a chance of getting a crit for a much larger amount

Not really; why would you waste 10 points in Cheap Shot?

Would this apply to blocked attacks? EX: I have 10 strength and 13 primary. My level 4 Double strike gets blocked. Does it do 3 damage, or 8/11 or whatever?

Melbourne -> RE: Base Damage on Skills (4/26/2013 9:18:03)

@Helios Ummmm... Cheap shot isn't necessarily a bad skill so don't use tha as an excuse for your arguments. Not supported as I don't like base damage set values.

Sensei Chan -> RE: Base Damage on Skills (4/26/2013 11:06:15)

Supported It Is Not Fair Spending All Energy And Skill Points If It Will Do 3 Damage When Blocked.

santonik -> RE: Base Damage on Skills (4/26/2013 11:52:46)

I support this idea too.

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