Ranloth -> RE: Plasma Bolt Fix (5/2/2013 8:43:29)
'Tech/4' instead of 'Tech/3' would really solve all the problems with the skills, for levels to come. And nerf it at lower level where it poses quite a threat; I've played as BH throughout the low levels since very late Delta until now, currently Lvl 25; basically, unless you Tech abuse or have decent way to get a lot of Resistance, you're done for. People will think Assimilation is that OP due to the way in which Bolt can be looped for very high damage, even at Lvl 3-5 Bolt. One good Assimilation would probably give you enough EP for low-level Bolt hence why people think it's that bad. If you use a Focus 5 TM as an example who does not use damaging skills such as Bolt, Overload, etc., then what are they gonna use EP for? Most likely Malf, Heal, Bludgeon (last resort?), and possibly either of the Shields. On the other hand, Casters will loop Bolt as soon as possible due to low EP cost (Lvl 3-5) and high damage, with no drawback (no, requirement doesn't count since Lvl 3-5 Bolt has a joke requirement...). What you can then look for is a defensive buff to TMs. Yet I still think they are fine, it's perhaps Smoke and Malf taking off too much - as Goony has stated few times - which leaves them defenceless. If these two were to get nerfed a bit, it'd be indirect buff to defensive skills. Unless, these were to be brought down a little as well but it'd still be better; less taken away = lower impact on the player = weaker but for the better.