Dage's Boomstick (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Sensei Chan -> Dage's Boomstick (4/26/2013 7:10:56)

I Think We Should Make The Guns Ability Clickable So We Can Do 100% Damage To 1 Target (Using Normal Gun) And 85% Damage To Both Targets Using A Clickable Core.
This Suggestion Would Improve The Gun In 2v2 Mode.

Ranloth -> RE: Dage's Boomstick (4/26/2013 7:35:40)

The "drawback" is having to hit two enemies. You cannot make Shotgun not to be spreadfire when it is (on 2 enemies). Besides if it was an active core, what about those who have an active core already? Not supported.

Sensei Chan -> RE: Dage's Boomstick (4/26/2013 7:39:52)

No I Mean Turn The Spread-Fire Into A Clickable Core So You Have A Choice Of Hitting 2 Enemy Or 1 Enemy.

Ranloth -> RE: Dage's Boomstick (4/26/2013 7:45:44)

Then get a normal Gun. It's illogical to turn Shotgun into a Single-fire Gun, which would probably cause the price to go up - after all, it works as Single-fire and Spreadfire Gun which can be seen as an advantage. Not mentioning the advantage it'd have in battle; shall I rage on both enemies and possibly kill someone + harm both + more HP back from BL OR go Single-fire + definitely kill someone + leave one unharmed?

Get a Single-fire Gun instead. Shotguns are designed to work in such way, you either deal 85% on both in 2v2 or use a different Gun and pick your target & hit for 100% damage.

Master Smasher -> RE: Dage's Boomstick (4/26/2013 15:34:19)

or you can go 1v1 if you just want to get that 100% damage on your opponent

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