Redingard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 117 - READ THE FIRST POST (4/27/2013 9:34:49)
I just realized how uber-clunky Templar's deck is. It took him the whole battle to use his two Retributions and Holy Strike+Blessed Strike. And I was using my level 17 Minotaur. I guess FC still reigns supreme, eh? By the way, Templar's name says "Templar of Notlim", and I think we could guess Notlim is the opposite from the Old One (if past knowledge is anything to go by, since Miltonius is now illegal or something). I mean, if he really did serve Nulgath, how come it doesn't say "Templar of Suinotlim", or "Templar of Nulgath"?