Yay more cores (Full Version)

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Midnightsoul -> Yay more cores (4/27/2013 3:21:21)

On the bright side, we have a couple of new cores! :D
Especially luck reducing ones for our aux and gun :D

On the downside, my Frost Destroyer is now somewhat useless because of the Frost Shard move. :(

So, did any of you change cores? :)

King FrostLich -> RE: Yay more cores (4/27/2013 3:30:27)

I feel my frost destroyer is now a waste. And since swords can get this core, it feels like a complete ripoff of the first Frysteland war promo. I mean seriously, didn't the devs say they wanted promo weapons with to retain their identity by their own locked cores? So frost destroyer is down, next thing I know Bionic Battalion gets ripped off by a new core that deals 115%-120% strike damage.

Mother1 -> RE: Yay more cores (4/27/2013 3:37:30)

@ King frost

They already did that to the bionic battlegear and halloween seasonal rare in the form of the energy and physical meteor's.

Not to mention as I said quite a few times the Azreal's aux which will be available for all next year with a core that is an exact copy of the old Azreal's borg. Looks like a lot of old promo's are losing their identifies left and right.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Yay more cores (4/27/2013 3:57:06)

^Well, least the Azrael stuff stayed with Azrael ONLY.

Frost Shard however, is available to all ED players

skeletondude -> RE: Yay more cores (4/27/2013 4:54:00)

^Don't worry though, next year, you'll be seeing peeps with that Azrael gun almost everywhere ^_^

Ranloth -> RE: Yay more cores (4/27/2013 7:51:13)

Frost Destroyer still has its rarity + (useless) passive core that may get unlocked someday. Although, from what I've noticed, FrostBite is stronger than the new core. If cores with an effect were meant to deal 85% damage, the new one didn't deal anywhere close to it when used on me. Of course, this is just anecdotal data so it may not be as reliable.

Besides, it was to be forseen. By making existing cores rare and unavailable, it'd really restrict quite a few of those. FrostBite is alright if used at the right time, but having it restricted forever to perma-rare weapon would be a waste.

King FrostLich -> RE: Yay more cores (4/27/2013 7:58:07)

^Actually, frost shards is stronger than frostbite because it's deflectable compared to frostbite which is blockable. In most cases such as malf + frost attack on someone with very low resistance, frost shards does better because if frostbite gets blocked, it only does 3-4 damage while frost shards will still deal half of your strike damage when deflected.

To summarize:

Frost Shards > Frostbite

NDB -> RE: Yay more cores (4/28/2013 1:09:38)


Drianx -> RE: Yay more cores (4/28/2013 3:33:27)

They also did the same with the Crit chance increase passive core, which has the same effect as Azrael's mutating primary's core.

It's funny and stupid how people were defending their active FrostBite when I suggested it should be nerfed, and now are raging because they released one fore everyone. Derp that, wusses.

Scyze -> RE: Yay more cores (4/28/2013 3:57:13)

So your Frost Destroyer is a waste?

Isn't Dage's Guns also close to useless since there are other Guns with the same ability?
As far as I remember, they said there's going to be Cores. BE happy there's Cores you complainers.

King FrostLich -> RE: Yay more cores (4/28/2013 4:06:12)

^First off Dage guns are weak and just the same in 1v1 and somewhat useless in 2v2 because of the lowered damage. Secondly, the Frost Weapons were the last promos to retain its identity until frost shards came along and ruined it. I was thinking this was gonna be the only core without a counter-core(e.g.: Infernal Interdictor - Nanosteel armor, Jack-o-Fire and Thorns Assault - Meteor and Plasma Shower, Delta weapons - Omega Override[support users], Mark of Azrael - Crit Mastery Cores) but now that has been ruined.

NDB -> RE: Yay more cores (4/28/2013 18:09:31)

To everyone calling me a complainer, I don't mind that everyone can use it now. It is the fact that it is somewhat BETTER than Frostbite because it is unblockable and can be done on your first turn while Frostbite has a 1 turn warm up. All of the other cores that King Frostlich mentioned were at least a slightly worse version of the original promo's core (except Omega, but that is because Omega is a promo too).

And I was never on of the people who said that Frostbite shouldn't be nerfed. I know that its OP; just compare it to the Energy Storm. Seriously guys, I am offended.

Ranloth -> RE: Yay more cores (4/28/2013 18:12:58)

FrostBite deals 100% damage (regular strike, as per description) and Frost Shard deals 85% damage like all the other cores with an effect. So there's this advantage. Then there's deflections and blocks (when FrostBite will deal 15% and deflected Frost Shards will deal 42.5% (0.85*0.5)).

NDB -> RE: Yay more cores (4/28/2013 18:18:34)

^tested it. It still does 100% damage not 85%. And also, with Frost Shards, you can equip them onto physical weapons which adds more E/P variety while Frost Destroyers are always going to be Energy.

Drangonslayer -> RE: Yay more cores (4/28/2013 19:01:38)

Although keep in mind you can't use frost shards if your enemy has no energy and im guessing same with the frost weapons. So if you havent used it it can be useless if your enemy has no energy.

Scyze -> RE: Yay more cores (4/28/2013 19:54:50)

You have tested it? How many times did you do it? 5, 10 15, 25? You know you should be doing as much as you can to get a decent result that is accurate.

It could have been fluke that you managed to deal the same damage.

ReconnaisX -> RE: Yay more cores (4/28/2013 23:11:28)

I'd rather the devs just change the name and skill icon of Frost Shards to that of Frostbite. They're copying it, they could at least be honest about it.

NDB -> RE: Yay more cores (4/29/2013 2:14:19)

@Malicious Neos
I tested it at least 5 times.

Goony -> RE: Yay more cores (4/29/2013 4:15:38)

I can confirm that the damage done on frost shards is 100%. There are a few cores that have similar functions, but most of these are some form of rares!

The core inventory will continue to be expanded, the ones we are seeing now are pretty basic in function and that's how it should be in my opinion.

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