prize idea (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Renegade Reaper -> prize idea (4/27/2013 14:11:30)

heres a random thought i just had...

how about, once per day, when you log into epicduel and before you click the character you want to use:
there is a mini game that is on-screen when you are waiting. it would be like whack a mole, little hazards
or something appear and disappear for 30 seconds or something. they would appear and disappear very
quickly. should you successfully click a certain number of them within the time that they appear, you
can get a prize. once you enter your info, you have the option to NOT do the micro game.


10 credits per successful click
5 minute credit boost
1/250 part of a weapon


feel free to criticize my idea [:D]


ReconnaisX -> RE: prize idea (4/27/2013 19:47:06)

We need the Arcade to be useful again for this stuff.

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