Botanical Bot (Full Version)

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liy010 -> Botanical Bot (4/27/2013 15:47:53)

Do you guys think this new Bot is OP?

Initial 3 damage, and then Poisons for 8-9 damage over 3 turns (Wiki says 4, but I think it was 3 when I was facing it), for a total of 27-30 damage, ignoring defences.

Now this is balanced...But it can be used unlimited times each battle...

Poison wears off, and the Special is already cooled down, ready to be reused...

As much as I HATE to pay for something and find out it's not what I wanted, I can feel their pain but this is kind of just ridiculous

It's basically Toxic Grenade, without the cost of EP...Nor having to invest skill points in it.

Not to mention it's 14 damage, so that increases the Poison and regular attack even more...

Yes, I know you can Medic Poison now, but Poison is a starting move, used on Turn 1 or 2-3 if you need to set up defences...No one's going to Medic just to cleanse poison...

Changes (I think)
-Lower the damage to maybe +12?
-Poison once per battle (Maybe increase to 65%-70% up from 60% if needed)

Xendran -> RE: Botanical Bot (4/27/2013 15:54:35)

It's actually over 4 turns.
One thing to note is that only 5 focus players are getting that 8-9 damage, and it is MUCH less dangerous than an infernal android special being fired at you, especially since you can get rid of it with Field Medic.

You can also provie a natural buffer to poison by choosing a larger HP pool over more defence/resist. You have to choose between Dangerous Poison + Faster Rage + Low Bloodlust against you, but high defences, and high scaling on skills that have dex/tech scaling, or low-danger poison + slower rage + high bloodlust against you, but low defences and low scaling on skills that have dex/tech scaling.

liy010 -> RE: Botanical Bot (4/27/2013 15:57:20)

So would you suggest a High HP (120) High STR, Support Mass Cyber?

That's off topic, anyways, IA is once per battle though, and once they use it...Well they can't use it again...Some people get rage on turn 6, and use it which means that's gone, and no more killing move, so instead of playing all defensively, you can attack freely.

Xendran -> RE: Botanical Bot (4/27/2013 16:00:12)

IA and Botanical are polar opposites of each other, but IA is still more effective because of the naturally low HP pools in this game causing it's average 55+ damage in one turn to be nearly unable to be recovered from unless you retaliate with your own and it kills them.
IA is all about burst damage, Botanical is all bout low, sustained damage.

The only thing i'll suggest is that if you absolutely hate poison, get high HP. The rest of the build is up to you, i've stopped giving out any form of build advice lately.

rayniedays56 -> RE: Botanical Bot (4/27/2013 16:01:22)


Initial 3 damage, and then Poisons for 8-9 damage over 3 turns (Wiki says 4, but I think it was 3 when I was facing it), for a total of 27-30 damage, ignoring defences.

It's over 4 turns, and I believe the poison damange is only shown through your robots damage.


I have 17-21+((14*botanical*))+30




or 10 poison damage per turn for 4 turns.

liy010 -> RE: Botanical Bot (4/27/2013 16:03:43)

Eh fair enough, but those Tank Surgical TLMs...IA lets them do 1 big burst...This lets them unlimitedly use Poison Grenade...

^Yes, but +3 initial is 43 damage...Free of EP and unlimited usage...That's stronger than ACTUAL Poison moves

rayniedays56 -> RE: Botanical Bot (4/27/2013 16:07:45)


I've PM'd you Xendran :) Just a little curious.


They are a pain in the butt, but I found a good EMP/Assimilation stops most of em.

huuduy1 -> RE: Botanical Bot (4/27/2013 20:38:47)

it's ridiculous to fight with tanky build with this bot in 2vs2 mode. Heal, Robot boring game

odsey -> RE: Botanical Bot (4/27/2013 22:11:52)

At first,l thought the bot is op. However if a 5/4 focus uses this, it is better if they use the normal attack instead of the the special ability, except on some exceptions. This bot is not OP it is balanced, so not supported. It is also fun to use and strategical.

Xendran -> RE: Botanical Bot (4/27/2013 22:15:43)

Poison is easy to counter with medic, and if they keep using poison it means they aren't using the incredibly powerful regular attack that this bot is capable of doing.
This bot is easily the most balanced bot in the game, actually. It has two specific ways of countering it, one of which is available to everybody regardless of build. The other is by having high HP, since the damage doesn't go up as your defences go down.

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