Strange idea. (Full Version)

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ThePriest -> Strange idea. (4/28/2013 9:17:27)

I would in any case,
Want to epicduel layed out some form of planning for epciduel.
So you can see where the game will lead to.
Does not need to be very accurate,
More or less what epicduel want to reach up with epicduel etc..
Their goal with the game and so on.

For right now, everything seems to be very confusing.
Where epicduel is going.

Where is the focus on?
Example? missions,pvp,cores,dress up game,events, etc...

I would atleast like to have some more information,

This was my old epicduel.
PvP game, fun builds, a perfect game where you could spend a lot of time ..
Funny updates on new weapons and so on.

The only bad thing was probably that you had to pay quite a lot to be updated every month...
And it was a huge imbalance between free and paid players.

This is new epicduel for me.
Boring pvp battles, almost impossible to make fun builds.
Bad promo package, Updates on new weapon = dress up game ...
and so on,,, do not like at all the new epicduel.

One thing is good with the new epicduel is swelling following.
The balance between free players and pay players is 100% good

So when I look back on now and then on epicduel.
So the only thing that has fixed the balance between free and paid players.
And omega would have been a major update??
But the only thing that happened was that you took away the joy of epicduel.
To fix a balance between free and paid players.
Was it worth it?
No idea when I feel both free players and pay players.
As has stopped playing.

Had not they been able to resolve the balance between free and paid players in some other way?
Examples keep all armor and weapons, but they have unique skills with various points throughout the year so far.
So free players would be able to purchase unique weapons for different builds with the credits,,,

Anyway, my suggestion is as follows.
Would love to see some form of what epicduel has for goal with epicduel.
Valid 6 months at a time or something ...

For now I'll stay because I have spent so much money.
But as it stands now, I want to know more about epicduels goals.
For 6 months, etc. so I know if there is any point to remain.
Then I hope from all my heart that epicduel fix this chaos

// The Priest

theholyfighter -> RE: Strange idea. (4/28/2013 10:01:27)

Something similar to a to-do list in public?

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