Pro-tips! (Full Version)

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King Helios -> Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 15:44:33)

Hey guys,

I was thinking, and the are so many newbie players in EpicDuel. Do you guys know any useful, helpful, or funny tips? Have they helped you, and if so, in what way? When did you discover them?


Teufel Hunden -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 15:51:16)

Always factor in luck into your attacks. Always try and guess the move they will do before they do it and have a counter ready. I usually in the 13 seconds alotted for my attack i see the least amount of damage i can do to the most defense they have and see what i should do if that ends up being the case. Always, i repeat, always figure out how much damage u will do on every turn it will help a lot.

Buy a bike, makes you go faster. Vroom-Vroom.

Never sell ur weapons just to get a robot or an armor. Many players do that then end up with only an armor and a primary. Or a gun and primary when they do that. Just save up.

Go to oz world 6 to talk with individuals who range from not well known to known by almost everyone. Also a little tip if you end up going to oz. DO NOT ASK "F4F" you will be yelled at by many although some might do it, it gets irritating after a while :p.

These are just little things i could think of atm. If you ever need anything you can pm me, find me on twitter, find me on facebook, or find me usually at oz world 6. Have a nice day and i wish you all luck in your future endeavors.

~Da Bomb Expert

Drangonslayer -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 16:27:08)

"Never sell ur weapons just to get a robot or an armor. Many players do that then end up with only an armor and a primary. Or a gun and primary when they do that. Just save up." Couldnt have said better myself. This is what irritates me in 2 vs 2 the most.
Tips as you level up upgrade your weapons. I think stats before damage incase of low credits.
At level 1 farm npcs to level up to keep your k/d safe. Buy a gun first then do exile soldiers mission to get the auxillary. Go defense or full offense. Invest into a few skills and not scatter everywhere. Dont save up and sell your weapons for a core at low levels unless you have varium. No need to buy an armor just upgrade the basic starter one.

Mother1 -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 16:30:58)

Have several good builds that can work for each class.

With all the balance changes being made, one balance change can destroy your build.

Clutch -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 16:40:14)

My biggest tip is to study your opponent. The first thing you should do in battle is click on your opponent and look at their stats and skills. Then you should think of what your opponent is going to do the next turn. Is he going to hit You, Heal, or buff. With that in mind, you then you make your move.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 16:52:32)


I was thinking, and the are so many newbie players in EpicDuel. Do you guys know any useful, helpful, or funny tips? Have they helped you, and if so, in what way? When did you discover them?

Never buy varium from this game (Spending money)
Buy it by earning points or from other websites etc. Prizerebel

The game isn't worth it to buy varium anymore and it's just a con.

sky222 -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 16:59:00)

Tech mage; start out with defense matrix and high tech. Against mercs and hunters use matrix. Against other mages use plasma
Hunter; bloodlust bloodlust bloodlust. And remember to smoke
Mercs; start by getting bunker and upgrading it. When you hit level 5 take everything out of bunker and hybrid hybrid hybrid

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 17:00:06)

My tips, as i became quite good and known in a short time (late delta person), are:
1.Do not ever call another person bad names (noob, loser and such), it makes you known as a player that doesnt take defeat.
2.Try expending your horizon, have a chat with the unknown, build a reputation and relations.
3. Never ever sell anything to get something new, it will make you end up without a gun or aux or whatever.
4. Dont ask f4f immediatly, some ppl hate this. First just stay low at Oz 6, watch who do fame and who not.
5. Dont judge others on their records, there can be multiple reasons where they could have gotten a bad record off.
For the battles:
1. First thing to do is, check their status, spot their weakness. (there are alot of thinks that can be game-deciding, not always start with smoke/malf or the basic starting moves, sometimes waiting pays off)
2. First turn can decide the winner, add your strategy if they start first, always think 1 turn ahead (As in if i do this now, he will do this and i wont be able to do that anymore)
3. Calculate their and your own possible damage, heal on time as that is very important (be aware of a possible crit/block and such)
4. Master multiple classes and builds, alot of builds gets nerfed these days and you will need to edit your build/class alot.
5. Again, ignore the name calling and never start with it.
6. Be yourself, dont copy others, it can be very annoying if ppl copy your build/looks and such.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 20:28:31)

Dont retrain over and over constantly, especially on the lower levels, even if you can't find a good build. It drains your credits, and then you cant buy new weapons and upgrade your old ones. Some people do this and then wonder why they don't have any money.

Drangonslayer -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 22:05:35)

Or retrain when you level up as it has no cost and you can do it till you feel like you have a good build.
If ever low on credits you can always npc :P not sure how many people do this but yea npcing is good for farming credits.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 22:39:09)

Here are some tips that I don't think have been covered so far:

-When applying armor points, try to apply more in the area where your strongest defensive buff doesn't apply to (Put more defense in when you're a BH/BM, because energy shield adds lots of resistance). Also, if you need to find whether or not you want 1 more defense than resistance, or 1 more resistance than defense, invest in the stat which has lower base, unless you want to use generator.
-Know the battle mechanics. Believe it or not, some times a blockable attack is safer than a deflectable one. This also helps if you don't want to make yourself look like an incompetent person when discussing balance.
-Play with the on-screen calculator application. This is extremely useful when calculating gun damage with deadly aim, damage boosts with %-based skills, and when calculating whether or not your rage attack will kill the opponent. This means that you should know the battle mechanics already.
-Don't leave a possible loss up to a random luck factor when you have the opportunity to heal or take a safer but slower route.
-If you want to experiment with builds, make sure you have enough to retrain 2 times. This way, if you retrain into a fail build, you can always retrain back safely.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 23:01:02)

Use Defense Matrix and Energy Sheild only AFTER you have been smoked/malfed.

Made 4 Sunny Days -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/28/2013 23:59:05)

Learn from your mistakes! This is one of the best things you can do for yourself!
2v2 is the greatest way to meet people!
Be nice and happy! Being nice is much better than being known as a mean player!
Use the forums! (although if you're reading this, you don't need to know that ;)
Check the design notes, dev twitters to keep up with what's going on!
Don't be afraid to branch out your builds. The most fun builds tend to be the least typical!

~Stay Sunny~

~Edit: and post on the forums too! Its a great way to get to know a lot of the veteran players

Xendran -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/29/2013 0:38:10)

Always plan ahead

Goony -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/29/2013 4:30:51)

Never give your account details to anyone :p
If you are having account troubles use the support link on the master account portal ;)
Don't ask mods or testers for codes, we can't help with them. Best to follow the developers on twitter!
Don't swear at mods XD

Ok, seriously the best thing you can do to make this game fun to play!

Compliment people...
If they have a unique build or play well tell them, + 1 friend :)
If you like the way their character looks say "nice look"
Say "hi" when you enter a battle

When you get to level 30 play 2v2 until at least level 33, there are a lot of players at the cap and you will get frustrated by meeting them all the time especially after a release, day change or power hour! So plan ahead with your build and find something that works well in 2v2.

kosmo -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/29/2013 7:39:09)

do not copy builds, do not use spammed classes, just make ur OWN strategy, u will discover tht its harder 2 counter an original build/strategy/class (unless u dont get massive copied 4 getting in LB whit a good % or a lot of winz)

odsey -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/29/2013 7:55:23)

1. Try to help people. Helping is good for me:D.
2. Do not say bad words as you may be reported and then could be muted/ even banned.
3. If one build does not work perfectly, try to make another build.
4. Little in credits? Use varium as a shortcut to get everything you want.
5. Want to buy items but doesn't have enough credits and cannot get varium? Try to npc, you could get many credits from there.
6. Have many varium but confused on what to buy? Try to get a credit boost to get double credits, get a experience boos if you want to level up fast, or buy battle token boost to boost you battle tokens to get achievement/donating tokens to a flag. Oh and the higher the better.

7. Try joining a faction. You may have fun there and get other help from players.
8. Not enough credits to buy something? Decrease everything in the item and you could buy it. Then just upgrade your items in your inventory.
9.Bored with your class? With class change you could be anything you want.
10. Seeking influence? Try to participate in a war, you will get many influence.
11.never underestimate your opponent, they may beat you.
12. Do not believe in free varium from others players. They are trying to scam you and your items could be sold and there is no way to get them back!.
13.Do not use cheat/bots program. Doing so may get you banned.
14.Do not rate player based on their winrate,because there might be something that made them have a bad winrate like @Blitzex said.

15.Some npc award achievement for free if you defeat them.
16. Play on power hour. All credits/experience/battle tokens is doubled, even if you have a boosting which will make it 3x.
17. Feel your faction is strong? Try to do 1vs1/2vs2/Juggernaut for a daily. Your faction will get many influence.
18. Feel good enough? Try to do a daily 1vs1/2vs2/juggernaut championship. You will get a achievement.

I guess that's it, may add more post later on.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/29/2013 9:33:17)

Always be ready to press print screen and paste it in an image editing program!

Necromantres -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/29/2013 10:11:09)

Keep fighting
Always check the type of the weapon before you buy it...
Don't sell weapons to buy other unless it is necesary...always save...
Don't be ashamed to ask or pm someone about something...
At late level 35(maybe more) don't be a Mercenary, unless you like loses.

King Helios -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/29/2013 23:20:49)

Think before changing any of your build.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/29/2013 23:30:40)

Only if you absolutely need to, sell any of your inventory junk to get the best weapons/cores.

And think twice before you sell anything.

Thesoulweaver -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/30/2013 4:57:08)

1)Never Completely rely on EP skills. One EMP will crash that build. Always have backup.

2)Always look up your opponents build before choosing your attack. Using EMP against a person who only relies on strikes will be a waste of energy.

3) Weapons are only good if they have locked cores. Try not to go for new weps just based on look (Unless you are a treasure Hunter) .

Jekyll -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/30/2013 6:52:59)

Do not argue with other players. Most of the time they lack in the cognitive aspect if they try to respond; it's fun picking apart every argument they put forth, but it's probably because of fallacies galore!

ThePriest -> RE: Pro-tips! (4/30/2013 10:09:23)

Advice regarding builds for new players

Some advice that some players need to hear.

1, Customize your build for what's out there in the battle most.

2, Make a build that you can play with for a while.

3, Save the credits to be able to change class.

4, Do you feel you are in the wrong class and you lose more than 50% of your battles.
(Switch to another battle mod 1vs1 2vs2 1vs2)
Then you are very welling can do better with your class in any of them other combat means that you normally do not play.

5, You win them most of your battles so you have a high% of winning.
Then you should consider extra on once you lose a battle.
Check your enemy's skill set, build,
See what was good with it, not what was bad.
When those bad things get to you first notice when you use the build.
When you start to think of what enemy build has the good things that you usually lose to.
So, you can shape your build / tactics to increase your chances of winning against the build

6, Swords are cool, and 36 dmg nice you might think.
But it will increase your% chance of winnings?
Highly doubt it, then you can use some skills that are right for your character.
Instead, try to make use of your character's weapons and find strength in skills that it has.

7, Instead of making builds all alone.
Gather some friends in the same class as you are.
Work totally different builds, then help each other to get a better build.
Then you can test more builds faster the more people who help each other.
That way you do not have to waste as much credits.

My list of the 3 best skills for each class.

Bunker Buster - Crit chance
Maul - Stun chance plus a little extra dmg /So you can have it on only lvl 1
Atom Smasher - Takes energy plus costs little and use.

Tactical Mercenary
Stun Grenade - Can have it at lvl 1 and has a 30% chance of stun and cost little to use
Atom Smasher – Takes energy plus costs little and use.
Reroute- Do you get back energy so you can use your cheap skills again.

Bounty Hunter
EMP Grenade- Guaranteed that you take energy from opponents customize the right amounts.
Stun Grenade - Can have it at lvl 1 and has a 30% chance of stun and cost little to use
Shadow Arts- Max lvl so you get 10% extra on your stun so you get 40% instead of 30%.
Then you have a cheap skill that gives more chance of getting into a stun.
while you get higher chance to block an attack.

Cyber Hunter
EMP Grenade - Guaranteed that you take energy from opponents customize the right amounts.
Plasma Grenade - Can have it at lvl 1 and has a 30% chance of stun and cost little to use
Shadow Arts - Max lvl so you get 10% extra on your stun so you get 40% instead of 30%.
Then you have a cheap skill that gives more chance of getting into a stun.
while you get higher chance to block an attack.

Tech Mage
Deadly Aim - Keep it on the right lvl so you get as much damage as possible.
Reroute - Get back energy so you can send a bolt or a stun.
Plasma Bolt- High dmg is not too expensive skill.

Blood Mage
Plasma Cannon - Crit chance
Overload - All cases lvl 1 so you have 30% chance of a stun. and does not cost much.
Deadly Aim- Keep it on the right lvl so you get as much damage as possible.

As I said these are just those skills.
As I think is most important and best to have.
Specielt if you are a new player.
Will do as you have more opportunities in the actual battle.

I brought the stun of all classes, then it is cheap and use plus.
And it can be your rescue when you are about to go down.
Are you losing and the enemy does not have much HP left.
And you're close to rage? try a stun works, you win.
If not then you would have lost anyway.

Hope this helps someone :)

Oh one last piece of advice;
If you get tired of the OP class that will come now and then.
And do not have time to farm credits to be able to change class regularly.
Then do the more character and focus on being one of each class.
And when a build is OP, you play only with the right character.
and customize the build as much as possible.
That way you will not have to feel that you are losing so often.

To all of you from me,
I wish you good luck :)

// The Priest

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: Pro-tips! (5/1/2013 3:32:16)

1.never get angry or be pissed off every time you loose a battle due to luck factors, those are normal nowadays.
2.Always anticipate luck at any given time may it favor you or your opponent
3.Dont expect that if you have a better build and better strategy than your opponent, you are a sure winner. Anything can happen during a battle.
4. If number 2 & 3 occurs, always remember the number 1. ^^

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