Mother1 -> RE: Focus. Ugh. (4/28/2013 23:47:09)
Well I have been mobbed by strength support users for 20 matches straight. Plus most of them where using the azreal's promo which makes it even harder for you to win against them unless you get extremely lucky. In my cause the one time I went first and the 2 times I deflected and blocked their supercharged attacks was when I won. All the other times it was they go first and malf me, I counter with a shield to bait them into using their aux at 85% at the cost of 65% of the shield, use a stun move and hope for a stun/heal, then the azreal's gun them, I am forced to strike, and then they finish me off with the plasma meteor unless I get extremely lucky and have 1 HP left. Quite frankly I have an easier time against focus TLM with surgical strike, and Focus BH then these high strength high support TM/ cyber hunters.