Mother1 -> RE: the better lvl!!! (4/30/2013 19:26:14)
OK for the LB if it is a low level versus a high level yes since they can finish fights faster and get them faster then higher levels. 1 well I have been seeing high strength high support builds at the higher levels as well since these builds can counter some focus builds but yes most diversity is at lower levels due to more builds working 2 well at the higher level there are more stats for the opponents and due to the enhancements going bye bye the sheep are stronger then before. Heck with my alt I can almost always beat juggs due to me having the pyro fly. 3 This I don't always agree on. I can get low level players and I can still get good fights when I am at a disadvantage. many times through delta and omega my side was at a disadvantage but in the end we ended up coming out on top with planning and a little luck in other cases. Heck I even won once with a troll partner.