Mages (Full Version)

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Reki -> Mages (5/2/2013 18:56:17)

The fact of the matter is (in my opinion) that mages are far to over powered at the moment, far more so than any class has been at a point yet....and yes I use a mage on one of my accounts so im not being biased.

They can super tank and still have low cost power attacks with no worry of block or deflect, they can also go high strength/support/health to an extreme degree that no amount of tanking can stop. They have the most versatile and powered set of moves. Now I don't think a whole lot needs done but its pretty obvious I think that there needs to be at least a couple balance changes to mages.

Now I know that balancing is very tricky and tedious so im not sure how'd you'd go about it but here are some of my thoughts/suggestions.
*make assimilation 'blockable' so it only gives/steals 1-3 energy on 'blocks'
*reduce deadly aims added damage by 2% per level
*change the requirements or damage range to some of the skills such as plasma bolt and super charge so they don't all get powered together so well
*change what malfunction improves with from support to dexterity

-those are just thoughts on where to get started but I know none of those may be whats needed to balance the class.

Mother1 -> RE: Mages (5/2/2013 19:02:16)

I am a mage myself as well, and I see some good idea in here Reki. However some of them worry me.

Changing malf to improve with dex will give TM 4 moves that improve with dex. Malfuction, overload, plasma rain, and Technician. Dex spamming mages would come out of the wood works if they changed malf to dex and since technician also improves with dex this could also be used to cover up the weakness of low tech.

With plasma bolt I can agree with you. It scales faster then any move in the game and it is very lethal. If it was put on par with fireball it could help greatly. However with supercharge it is good as it since right now it is on par with the other ultimate moves (scaling wise with surgical strike)

Mondez -> RE: Mages (5/2/2013 19:31:36)

Wasn't Deadly Aim already nerfed? I disagree on DA since I can't do as much as I did anymore after the nerf.

Plasma Bolt, yes needs to be scaled down to Fireball since I compared the two by maxing out a strength BM and maxing tech on Tech Mage, Fireball is vastly balanced out even with the strength abuse while Plasma Bolt can deal massive amounts of damage by tech abuse.

I agree on Assimilation to be blockable since it's free and it gains mana while TM's also have reroute.

I have mixed feelings on Malf since I can't really use it's full potential on my derpy CH.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mages (5/2/2013 19:43:21)

Funny, they were "UP" before the assimilation buff.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Mages (5/2/2013 19:55:30)

A single mage build make the class OP (caster), but apparently a single merc build which I have that has a high win % and could be called OP apparently doesn't make merc OP...

Anyways, TM has 2 main crutches: assimilation and plasma bolt. Change both of them and improve synergy with the entire skill tree, and we'll definitely see more TM build variety.

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