Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (Full Version)

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King Helios -> Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/3/2013 18:10:23)

Hey guys,

Now, with Focus nerfed, guess what the new build is! Azrael Tech Mages! Fun!

What I'm suggesting, is that Azrael's Will, when used on you, you gain 40 Rage Points. At level 1, that is all your rage meter. At level 35, that is about 31.5%.

Got my numbers from here :3

Ranloth -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/3/2013 18:14:50)

Is this because of a certain build? If so, why should everyone get penalized? They aren't new, they were here before and are heavily dependant on luck. Pitifully easy to counter.

King Helios -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/3/2013 18:17:30)

The change isn't only against Tech Mage Azraels. It is to make the skill more tactical, and also helps against Azrael Mages.

Ranloth -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/3/2013 18:19:43)

But.. you're giving it a nerf (penalizing) because of one specific build. Is it not better to, erm, deal with the build instead? <.< They were here prior to the Focus nerf, so you got that one wrong.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/3/2013 18:21:51)

i think nerfing the core (not empowering the enemy) like xendran suggested would make azrael's will be a better fit for tactical applications.

right now its mostly used for abusing applications.

King Helios -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/3/2013 18:22:58)

@Trans i know they were here before Focus nerf.

Focus was the best counter to them; now, its nerfed.

What would you rather me do? Nerfing Malfunction would affect Cybers; Dadly Aim would affect BM's; Assim has been nerfed enough.

ansh0 -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/3/2013 18:24:10)

Supported, not for the TM's, but because Will needs a nerf.

Ranloth -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/3/2013 18:25:21)

Wait, Focus was a counter? As Focus 4 here, I didn't even use my Bot since Poison was useless and I went for Aux + Gun + Bludgeon + Meteor Shower combo, which usually ended up in their death (although, I did use a Shield - and had it debuffed - as well as Heal but you get the point).

Actually, debuffers do need looking at. They are too effective. There's a different thread in this section, you should have a look why that could be done. Along with that, Smoke would end up the same since they are equal. Malf would actually deal with them sufficiently.

King Helios -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/3/2013 18:32:04)

^ I made another thread about the debuffs; thanks for the idea!

As for Focus as a counter, it was (not now). High defense, usually a high heal, can help a lot. Also, they can Yeti chomp with nice damage.

Xendran -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/3/2013 18:33:11)

This is not the way to fix the gun. It's a stopgap that would require fixing again later on.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/4/2013 13:12:19)

Personally, I don't even find glass cannon TMs overpowered at all. I can beat them majority of the time without even having a block/deflect, as long as they don't crit me, in which case I still might win with a little luck after that point.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/4/2013 14:00:55)


Isn't that because you yourself are a glass cannon TM? ._.

And no, Azrael's Will isn't the main problem with these TMs.

ansh0 -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/4/2013 14:09:08)


Personally, I don't even find glass cannon TMs overpowered at all. I can beat them majority of the time without even having a block/deflect, as long as they don't crit me, in which case I still might win with a little luck after that point.

Of course, you are one yourself.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/4/2013 18:45:44)

I would not call this a glass cannon, and previously I was using caster. I haven't used the glass cannon build since the GYT (and I only planned on using it for the GYT).

Mother1 -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/4/2013 19:22:07)

A solution for this abusive build would be to removing going first from support and make it completely random. The few times I did go first against this build I clobbered them because I was able to get the turns I needed to deal with them where as when I go second I have to hope for blocks and deflections which are far and few.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/5/2013 5:16:36)

Azrael is OP bolt is too powerful combine the 2 bad news.

Problem is

Nerf azrael the people who paid whine.

Nerf bolt and you may as well dig the mage class a grave.

santonik -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/5/2013 19:48:29)

Azrael gun can do very good damage high stregth and debuff. This case malfunction. (85% damage is too much because that prevent use skill too)

Typical match high support whit azrael gun (techmage)

Malf/ Gun(Azrael will)/ Aux/ Something strong normally energy meteor core.Match is over.

My opinion is this; Drop Azrael gun special damage. Techmage can still make good damage normal gun attack.This allow other player counter High support techmage whit azrael will core. I think azrael will core must be pure tactic not damage core.

1. Buff/Debuffs is too effective now. (all class)
Maybe is time to fix buff/debuffs to this omega era. ( Todays debuffs allow heavy damage that azrael gun special)

2. Azrael gun special is very effective, even that doing 3 damage. That azrael gun special giving 1 exrta strike. Normally enemy doing little damage to strike.

3. Azrael gun special damage can be drop 50% or even more. (This is suggestion)

4. If play semitank or tank.Azrael gun best side is that can (basically) drop every cooldown 1 round.That extra cooldown help a lot.

5. High damagers prevent enemy to use them skills.

This making more balance. If im wrong ,correct me.

ale6300 -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/5/2013 20:29:56)

@santonik You are Wrong on the nerfer part, when you use a nerfer you get rage slowly and all build need to be nerfed because one are abusing it?, and the main problem are Rage Formula and First turn Formula, they get a guaranted first turn and a guaranted rage on third turn both formulas need to be reworked.

santonik -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/5/2013 20:37:42)

Can you explain that nerf thing what you think.

I dont understand now.

ale6300 -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/5/2013 20:39:58)

Nerfers= Smoke, Malf, Intimidate, Omega override, ect, something that debuff your stats.

doomkiller98 -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/5/2013 21:30:50)


Nerfers= Smoke, Malf, Intimidate, Omega override, ect, something that debuff your stats.

Not Called "nerfers" just called debuffs..

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/6/2013 6:00:16)

No, for the sake of your own good, as an extra amount of Rage % can be used on the Forcers benefit.
Imagine, BH (P Primary) against a CH.
Scenario: CH has Def matrix on.
BH is 30% away from Rage.
CH: Guns BH, BH is forced to strike with rage against a Def Matrix, making the attack nearly useless.
If it didnt gave rage, the BH would be forced to strike but without rage, and he could then do a Rage Energy based attack which would ignore the passive armor Plasma Armor, making it way more powerfull.

So, no, bad idea.

King Helios -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/6/2013 8:16:16)

^ Maybe, have it (Force Strike) not apply on Rage
Also, how would you know exactly when they are within 32% of rage?

King FrostLich -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/6/2013 8:47:10)

Simply not giving the user rage points. They can gain it from the forced strike, easy as that.

King Helios -> RE: Azrael's Will Tech Mage Solution (5/6/2013 15:31:22)

Can we please stay on-topic? Thanks.

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