toopygoo -> RE: supercharge minimum damage too high? (5/5/2013 9:25:21)
also keep in mind that mages do have 3 ways to regain energy, while mercs have once, and hunters have potentially 2, but mainly just one. it affects mainly defence builds. here: why dont we just increase the damage and cost, and decrease the max damage? oh right: we did that, and a bunch of you whiners who couldnt roll with high defence builds cause that didnt let you three turn kill started complaining. youre thinking from the bpoint of veiw of builds that regularly take 20 damage anyways. when youre defence, and in jugg things can hit on average 6 points of damage, a minimum of 20 is OP. if you just say "your fault for choosing a defence build," i will laugh at your obliviousness: 2v2, it is undoubtedly the most useful build, and at 32, i can still beat most 35's if i start. when something is recommended, try to consider it from all points of view, not just your own, one single build.