May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (Full Version)

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Kd -> May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/3/2013 23:23:19)

With the nerf to focus i'm starting to see some old-school builds returning. I personally think that the update is great as it provides for some more viable build choices and adds variety. Back on topic, what old-school builds have you seen so far? Are you thinking of reverting to an old build yourself?

Mother1 -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/3/2013 23:36:44)

@ KD

What old school builds have you seen? All I see are the same builds that I saw before the nerf. Here is what I have been seeing

focus 5 in all classes other then TM
High strength/ Support TM CH
High Support Merc/ Tactical Merc
Caster TM

Goony -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/3/2013 23:52:17)

Personally, I'm using a 4 focus 115HP near max blood commander, mid maul and rage berserker merc. That's old school ;) I even got beat by a level 30 5 focus BH so it's a bit erratic :P

And Mother you'd have a negative even if 99% of the update was good :p

I dunno what game you're playing, but I'm also seeing a range of builds that's greater than any time I can remember. And more will evolve as player become used to robots having normal power again.

Mother1 -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/3/2013 23:56:15)

@ goony

I only saw the same builds I was seeing before the update. I haven't seen any new builds that I haven't seen before the update so I am sorry if I seem so negative. In fact the only build that I didn't see before was a high support Tactical merc using max poison and max multi and this was before the update. Other then that I haven't seen any other new builds.

Goony -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/4/2013 0:05:17)

I'm actually seeing a heap of new builds, some are combining low HP with focus and using debuffs but also using skills like massacre again. There are some new TM builds like the 145HP support str ones and the plasma bolt ones that also try using technician. The str BM's are deadly if you don't block/deflect them. Mercs are a bit rare to see as is CH, but I expect to see more of them as they have natural counters for some of the str support builds and should be better placed now that focus has a better damage comparison to other attacks.

There are some more things that the developers would like to do regarding balance such as making skill trees more active and other tweaks, but this change to balance was needed going forward ;)

ale6300 -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/4/2013 0:22:23)

In Lower Levels the balance is the same Merc and TLM Supp abusers, Caster Techmages, dex abuse Techmages and BH, for the moment dont want play with my main until i complete the spores on my alts.

Kd -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/4/2013 0:26:52)

@goony- said it all. In terms of the more things to be added though... hmmm, I guess we'll have to decode what this could mean.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/4/2013 1:49:55)

Well I have pulled my Massacre build back into fresh air from that dusty closet of mine...

midnight santa -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/4/2013 2:02:49)

I'm just glad there is no more Infernal damage of 30 30 -_-

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/4/2013 4:40:17)

i am yet to see new builds after this update. Im doing 2vs2 and all im seeing are still focus BH with max SA, Focus CH, focus mercs, and caster mages.

Cookielord12 -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/4/2013 4:55:11)

Errr, no 'old-school' builds whatsoever. Only the Strength Support Mages/CH came back.


The str BM's are deadly if you don't block/deflect them.

Are you having a laugh? Str BM disappeared long ago, as it is weak.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/4/2013 5:06:26)


Str BM disappeared long ago

That's what you think.

Cookielord12 -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/4/2013 5:11:58)

Well it's certainly uncommon.

estehmanisdinginnn -> RE: May 3rd Update=...Nostalgia? (5/4/2013 6:19:51)

Made a direct counter to supp/str mages.5 focus, and support Mercs
edit : it fails

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