RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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daichi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:21:27)

@labyth Probably lei crossbows intro quote.

"looks Don't count for *blank* in the realm of oversoul...but I look good..."

Agaraoth2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:21:29)

Jack Frost FTW!!!

kise2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:22:30)

Stuck between a rock and mountain.

ACW0 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:23:03)

Testing out my Brand New Monk in the Nightmare and this Happened?

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:23:12)

Argh, got okay(...?) cards from CC. I at least wanted to buff up my snow ninja. xD

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:23:15)


Hey for you guys what is your favorite character battle cry(when you use a character),victory cry(when you win a match) or your favorite encounter battle cry(when you meet character he says something)?

@dachi,agaraoth and kise
Nice mine I would say is the Rat(I want to see how many of you catches that)Jk my real one is the

Revonthous when he says welcome to my sinful benediction

@below I am sure their is an explanation for this......try asking Asuka and Sage. They should be able to help you with the info I am nto sure if they are still around cause i haven't heard them being removed yet but haven't ran into them apart from what @lep said he was refreshing farming and found one. I saw one in solace-3 and if one isn't then try solace-4

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:24:46)

Is it even possible to come across the Orcs Rogue, Raider and Pillager?! ._. I've gotten so many things to level 10 today and yesterday just from looking for them. Thrak was so much easier than this...

Agaraoth2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:29:07)

@shadow idk if this will help you but Monk seems to give me a increased spawn rate of those rare characters.

TheSage -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:35:33)

My favorite battle cry is still
Rev "Come at me Bro" VS Rex "O.O"

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:42:53)

I can confirm that Orc Rogue is still in the game. I ran into him randomly while trying to go North today. Good luck!

Pretty sure that's not a real thing. It may just feel that way, since Monk is such a beast at killing things, but nothing really helps make the characters you want spawn more often.
Though if superstition is your thing, go for it :)

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:46:12)

Hmm... CC is simpler than I would have guessed at first. Not bad, but simpler.

daichi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:49:14)

well I got ice princess to level 6. ready or not Narnia here I come.[:D]

@beck I know for certain that if you click your heels three times and then hit explore,

the spawn rate gods will grant your wish for the character you want.[:D]

On a serious note, does anyone know were I can get a signature banner made?
Or from whom I can get one made.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 17:59:50)

I now have silly smile on my face

@below of course it is easy(to get more money for those who have SG) many people have bought X-boost.that gives you more and exp per fight. You have to be like new character no buff to get adequate(I spelled it right the 1st time)

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:03:17)

Aww man, that NEVER works for me! Stupid superstitions!

And no clue. Sorry!

In other news, I don't think the max Gold drop limit's been raised. However, I am getting significantly more Gold per hour. So yeah, it IS easier to earn Gold now.

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:09:15)

So does anybody got any sneak picture of how the new evo for PD and crypt knight and I forgot the other guy looks like?

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:10:12)

There is a new evolution for PD and Crypt Knight?!? O_o

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:11:22)

Well Rev said he's gonna make them, but he didn't have time to draw them this week, so I don't think they will be released for a bit...

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:13:33)

Ah okay, at least I have ONE of those characters. xD

daichi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:16:04)

well whenever the evo's are release, my PD is ready.

Tally -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:18:43)

Mine's been waiting to grow up for so long now ^^ I'm willing to wait.

so0meone -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:28:41)

All I have to say is Rex's makes everyone else's so much better.

"I'll break you in half and let the ravens feast on your corpse!"

"So you found another bug, did you? Sure, I'll reward you.... With a horn to the face!"

"My soul belongs to the dark lord, and so does yours..."

Labyth -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:30:12)

LOL.@above i see what you mean
I still like REv...welcome to my sinful benediction

Hey for you guys what is your favorite character battle cry(when you use a character),victory cry(when you win a match) or your favorite encounter battle cry(when you meet character he says something)?

hijinks -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:31:00)


Hahaha, I agree! So Rex is like the wingman of everyone to make them feel better? XD

so0meone -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:31:23)

Oh, by the way Beck, finally got my own Cosoma. I see why you like it so much, it's so tanky!

@Hijinks: Pretty much hahaha

"Me am thief. give me shiny tings or me smash you!"

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 121 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/6/2013 18:34:46)

Yes! :D I'm glad Cosoma is getting more love now. He is the best Ice character ever!

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