botanical hazard special (Full Version)

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aurther13th -> botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 15:41:21)

ok so if all the specials on the other bots can only be used once then why the heck do you get to use botanical hazards special over and over. it doesnt even require anything, as soon as the opponent has lost poison, either healing or after 4 turns, you can turn around and poison them again, over and over. its the stupidest thing. the poison skills require energy to use so unless you have 100 energy you might use it twice, if your not healing, or if you use generator. So if you get to use botanical hazards special over and over then i think the specials for all the other bots should be the same, bunny bot, IA, gamma bot, yeti, ect. or hazards special should be the same as the others, one time use ONLY. hazard was brought out right after the bunny but yet the bunny special is one time use. makes no freakin since.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 15:43:20)

Because you can get rid of it after one turn by healing.

And also assault bot can be used multiple times too :P

Xendran -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 15:44:34)

1. You can soft counter it with high HP, making the special often less useful than the regular attack
2. Not every special has to be equal. The stronger ones are one time use because of how crazy they can be. Bunny is never a good example because it's very poorly designed.
3. You can hard counter it with field medic
4. No bloodlust
5. No Blood Commander
6. There will likely be an armor passive core that lowers poison damage.

aurther13th -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 15:49:55)

ok well if bunny was so poorly designed then why is it a one time use?
and by countering with field medic it would just be a waste of energy and a turn.
with assault bot special being usable many times its because your also wasting a turn but still have a debuff effect.

Ranloth -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 15:53:56)

Having to rely on strategy and right timing for the Bunny =/= it's poorly designed. Quite the opposite - it gives ED what it may lack, which is strategy.

Xendran -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 15:55:47)


ok well if bunny was so poorly designed then why is it a one time use?

....because it's poorly designed. That question partially answeres itself. The fact that it's so easy to completely avoid AND is one time use makes it poorly designed. The idea is good, but strike being such an unimportant factor in the majority of battles severely gimps its useability.


and by countering with field medic it would just be a waste of energy and a turn.

Most of these poison specs are dealing 8*4 damage. If you take one of these hits and are at full health minus the 3 from the hit, medic is still healing you for 24+3 unreroutable damage.
If you're at BELOW full health, you're healing for your left over hp + 24. If you get poisoned for 8 and have 40/80 health left, you're actually negating 64 damage.
In some ways, it can actually make field medic MORE powerful.

aurther13th -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 15:56:42)

using the bunny bot at the right time is like knowing when to heal with the hazard special. its just timing.

Ranloth -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 15:58:56)

Exactly, although sometimes Hazard is pitifully easy to usse but in 2v2, you may end up wasting the Bot horribly. In 1v1 too but not as much.

Xendran -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 15:59:31)

Just because something has the ability to be used with proper timing or in a strategic way does not make it well designed within the context of the game.

aurther13th -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 16:04:45)

all i am saying which is the whole point of the post is why can you use hazards special over and over. besides the assault bots i believe its the only one you can do it with

Xendran -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 16:08:52)

You can do it with gamma bot as well. And i already explained why you can use it over and over.
It's not like battles are long enough to ever be hit by it more than twice anyway.

aurther13th -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 16:10:59)

ok then why cant you use bunny bot over and over? its not like if you get hit by it that it wouldnt be easy to get around. all you do is use aux, gun, skill, ext

Xendran -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 16:13:00)

I'm not going to go in circles with you on this. You're ignoring everything i say.
You cannot use bunny over and over because it's poorly designed. You SHOULD be able to reuse it because of how easy it is to avoid.

aurther13th -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 16:18:15)

ok so your saying that the reason you cant use bunny over and over is bc of its poor design. but yet with the hazard design you can use it over and over. that makes about no since

Xendran -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 16:31:07)

The fact that you can only use the bunny once with how easy it is to avoid IS the bad design.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 16:38:48)

Bunny's special isnt repeatable because it would OP the tanks..
Imagine, you out of cores/energy. So, you use gun and aux, leaves you with a strike. So, you skip, but then the tank uses it again.
And the cycle continues..

Would be OP if you ask me, so no it is not due to a poor design, but due to potential Opness.

Xendran -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 16:41:26)

I never said INFINITE reuses. More than one, though.
2 is the sweet spot, 3 is somewhat overkill.

Stabilis -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 19:38:31)

The Bunny could also use the once suggested time duration. It's effect would remain for 4 turns, so if an enemy had all 4 weapons (not including attack skills), they would use up their Sidearm, Auxiliary, and Robot, forcing an enemy with no other options (still unlikely) to Strike, making the special attack useful at least once.

Mother1 -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 21:42:26)

@ depressed

The bot attack lasts 3 turns not 4.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: botanical hazard special (5/5/2013 21:48:14)

@above he meant, buffing it to last 4 turns rather than 3 turns

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