Melbourne -> Debuff fix (5/6/2013 12:47:46)
Now we know currently that focus BH and str/support TMs are running around ruling 1v1 (At least the majority) Both of these builds are focused on there debuff, smokescreen and malfunction. These moves as of currently are taking massive amounts of dex and tech and I would like to propose some ideas to bring these powerful moves down a step. 1. Bring scaling down because with omega and less stats, these moves are taking a huge chunk of defense away and putting the user at a strong advantage. 2. When applying smokescreen or malfunction the strike applied does 85% damage. 3. Increase mana cost and stack it with different stat requirements on both, such as malfunction at max would require 42 tech and the same could go for smokescreen but with a different stat. Constructive criticism is appreciated.