Hmmm...Stylish! (Full Version)

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Dual Thrusters -> Hmmm...Stylish! (5/6/2013 22:27:07)

What type of weapons do you like to equip ( the type of art, say you like to equip glowing magical weapons)? And which colors and hairstyles do you prefer when you customize your character? Why do you prefer these?

Try to discuss instead of listing :)

Sipping Cider -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 0:05:04)

So long as the gear matches, I like to equip just about everything. Usually I tend towards green or purple colors, with mystical or nature themes.

Xendran -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 0:16:33)

Pink, Grey, Black and White are my signature colors.
For omega i've added a gold trim to my armor and gone with gold trimmed gear.
Kurz Elite
Elite Big 50
Beta Staff
Founder Armor

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 2:09:21)

i usually go with many of my own unique colour combos but i decided to go botanical for the event
all of my botanical items equipped including the hairstyle, just lacking a botanical themed AUX :\

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 2:18:05)


You won't have to worry about that anyways. Just make a green aux ;O

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 2:33:38)

yeah i guess

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 3:01:20)

For Hunters its:
Headstyle no. 1 with black hair and hairband. Red scar.
With desert ronin and red pants, which makes me look awesome if i also got Charsketch sword on.

For Mages its:
The Elf head (No. 23 as i remember), my signature as im probably the only one using it almost all the time (...samurai... aswell but i let him change :P)
Probably with PP as it looks great with it with Beige, Blue and Black.

For Mercs its:
Headstyle no. 69, the best looking headstyle there is and no one else uses it then me (havent seen someone with it so far)

I always got a style that no one else has, i want to keep unique and recognizable by only looking at my head, and not first at my name. Im everything except a copier.

King FrostLich -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 3:41:19)

Blue, green, yellow, red, violet and cyan all combined with blue, red and green as the main colors.

JariTheMighty -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 4:38:55)

I usually try to match the colors of my weapons. Unfortunately I'm not that good at making colors match each other so I often end up looking weird.

Necromantres -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 7:05:22)

black and purple mostly...unfortunatly i don't have weapons to match my collor but i think i look good.Here you can see it --> My look

Melbourne -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 7:55:08)

I really like black and purple but black and light blue is how I look right now.
As to hairstyles I can't remember which numbers the are, are mercenary I use the one with the scar, for mages I use the hat and what looks like a headset on the back and the kittycat face :3
I don't really like hunter so I don't care what I give my look for them yet as I don't use them.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 12:24:31)

Anything with a green face

Digital X -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 12:27:07)

If I'm using a TM/CH, then blue variants with black, but for BH/Merc then Green, grey and orange (celtic, phys stun gun and phys eggzooka) I don't really go mad with colour options.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 16:47:30)

My colors are usually light green, dark green, blue and gray. My favorite hairstyle is the dragon helmet in my avatar. I don't customize my character much, so I look the same most of the time.

I use my phys Mechachilllid sidearm a lot because its a nice green color, and my other weapons switch around more. Simetimes I change my colors to match my weapons a little better, like when I use my gray Lagomorph laser I add more gray to my armor.

Mondez -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 17:47:08)

Black and Red brings out the bloodlust in my character. [sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

With the Azrael Weapon and Frost Sword in my arsenal gives me an awesome look of course I have a skull coming out of Titan's head which shows the inner demon in a person. Of course I have my minion ronots from the first biotanical bot, gamma bot, azrael bot, and good yeti to give my character an immense satisfaction that he is in control.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 19:19:21)

I change colors every hour xD

Stabilis -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 19:38:01)

I do not need my armour to match my other equipment but sometimes like right now I do that. I have a focus on maximizing the choice of armour. The armour defines the player's look regardless of what gun or sword they have. The more serious the armour "looks", the more stylish I find it to be. Take the Desert Ronin for example. Just about everyone likes it. And it is a very serious armour.

King Helios -> RE: Hmmm...Stylish! (5/7/2013 20:09:34)

Harvest Husk M for man-boobs me having upgraded it in beginning of omega with generator!

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