the rise and fall of OP builds (Full Version)

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Trae -> the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 11:25:29)

have you noticed that sometimes even a OP build isn't changed at all like say the OP BH 5 focus build they didn't nerf them and something else becomes OP instead like the high tech TLM or now the str supp tech mage (like myself) and the VERY high supp merc what do you think?

Mother1 -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 11:37:07)

I notice this, and when the main reason why most of these builds fall now is not because of people making counter builds for these builds but because people complain about them until the staff nerfs them whether they are truly too strong or not.

8x -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 11:49:54)

People often confuse overused with overpowered. As soon as a good enough build becomes overused people start complaining and get it nerfed. There were few builds that were truly overpowered, builds where you didn't stand a chance no matter what you did or what kind of a build you used.

Mondez -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 11:57:14)

I've kept to a CH tank build now and I've noticed a revival with support mercs, dex BH (haven't seen them in a long time), and mostly strength and support mages. The nerf to focus has brought these builds back which really makes no sense in my perspective.

*sigh* I was kinda expecting creativity after the focus nerf, but now it's more like find the most OP build and reap in fast kills.

The Str/Sup mages aren't OP, but overused since I keep running into them almost every fight though thank goodness my build is an all around counter build.

Trae -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 12:05:39)

yes just tried the supp str tech mage and found its only about a 50/50 win rate

Mother1 -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 14:35:17)

@ mondez

It has always been like this. Very few people use creative builds and due to balance issues many builds that would have never made it in delta rule now.

It is the people who consistantly lose to this build that call for nerfs mostly.

Mondez -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 14:59:18)

We need a huge overhaul to completely balance the game since at the moment no matter how much we nerf, we will keep getting a build with a sure fire quick win and at the moment it's the Support builds again and the Glass Cannon Mage builds running rampant.

kosmo -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 17:49:40)

Why do you guys think that a build gets nerfed because people complaing whether is op or not?They nerf what deserves a nerf and not what players think that shuld be done, because most of complainings, expecially on the forums are wrong and made from players that dont play but just complain here.After bot nerf i actually changed my 5 focus bh build in a more versatile 4 focus tech abusing build, because the nerf actually did change the things alot in a positive way: many more builds now stand a chance against 5 focus builds and this can only raise creativity in the game.Support builds arnt that good, they crash into luck making their win % much lower than other builds, they are only very easy and fast to use, made for who isn t that good or for who really needs fast wins.

Stabilis -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 19:30:37)

Whoever balances PVP has nerfed moves that are not overpowered while moves that are overpowered still linger.

How this happens I do not know though I have ideas.

kosmo -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 21:36:30)

^Balance is a process, don t you understand there are skills and game dynamics that they cannot actually fix?Some skills considered overpowered culd be at the moment the only possible counter for certain builds.It s better to make a counter for that skill sometimes rather than nerfing it.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 22:31:23)

@kosmo: Whether or not the build is OP, as long as people complain about it, the devs have 2 options: nerf/change the build or be hated on and possibly have multiple leaving players. In the end, the players essentially control the game as if we all band together on a single idea the devs are nearly forced to comply with what we want in fear of losing lots of members. People complain about "OP builds" that aren't necessarily overpowered because these people are misguided or are simply not skilled enough to counter the build correctly, and get upset when their straightforward massacre BH or glass cannon TM builds can't beat a particular build.

kosmo -> RE: the rise and fall of OP builds (5/7/2013 22:55:23)

If evryone bends on the same idea usually its correct, usually but not always.For example significant nerf to luck factor hasn t been made so far (just some useful cores to counter other cores) even if the luck is the most blamed issue, they still keep it the way it is, will they change it?No, players can complain forever about luck but if the devs choose to implement it, it s because they decided the direction the game had to take knowing that it s kinda impossible to instantly balance the game, the only formula that covers evrything and keep the game balanced is luck and they obiously know this and won t change it because of complainers.

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