no luck, no deflects, no crits, no blocks and an even chance to go first... (Full Version)

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Master Smasher -> no luck, no deflects, no crits, no blocks and an even chance to go first... (5/7/2013 15:37:13)

do you think this game would be more fair if it was like this, no deflects, no critical hit, no blocks and an even chance to go first (about 50% each player, 25% is 2v2), this is not a suggestion but just imagine if this was ED and give me your opinion.

IMO: I personally think it would (except the fair chance to go first), I dunno, I just have a feeling it would though, but hey I could be wrong, this will probably remove 30% of many known builds if it is like this so that's why I'm 50/50 on this

*NOTE: this isn't a rant thread, this is a personalized opinion thread, so no flaming, just feed back from you and from other players giving you feedback about you themselves

Ranloth -> RE: no luck, no deflects, no crits, no blocks and an even chance to go first... (5/7/2013 15:39:30)

Then you'd see what Strength + HP abuse is all about. It'd be highest damage or die.

Mother1 -> RE: no luck, no deflects, no crits, no blocks and an even chance to go first... (5/7/2013 15:48:05)

Offensive and glass cannon builds would take over Epic duel and defensive builds would fail since there is nothing to keep glass cannons and other offensive builds in check.

The game would become be a high powered strength build or die.

Sipping Cider -> RE: no luck, no deflects, no crits, no blocks and an even chance to go first... (5/7/2013 15:51:00)


Offensive and glass cannon builds would take over Epic duel and defensive builds would fail since there is nothing to keep glass cannons and other offensive builds in check.

The game would become be a high powered strength build or die.

Unless blocking and deflections worked differently without luck.



Accuracy = 100 + dexterity - enemy dexterity + total damage blocked by enemy - (character level)/4 per turn

If your accuracy is less than 100 a block occurs.

A block multiplies your damage by your accuracy and divides it by 200

If your accuracy is above 100 you hit like normal

*Your accuracy is different for each enemy

*The reason for it to change as the game progresses (whenever you are blocked it changes and every turn it changes) is so it takes more strategy and not so boring.

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