2v2 - leaving players (Full Version)

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Drianx -> 2v2 - leaving players (5/9/2013 2:58:28)

Here is a solution for fixing the 2v2 issue with players leaving:

- player 1 in team 1 leaves
--- the match still goes on for 2 or more turns
------ team 1 wins
then no change is needed, it means that player 2 in team 1 has soloed both team 2 members

------ team 1 loses
then player 2 in team 1 will not receive a loss, because he was left but not killed easily by the other team

--- the match ends in one turn
then the winning side gets a win, and the losing side gets a loss. There is no need for a fix in this case.
This way, although player 2 in team 1 was left by his partner, he was still so weak that he was killed in one turn. His team would have hardly won anyway.

Basically what I'm suggesting is: you get left by your partner and you're strong and do not get killed in one turn, you don't receive a loss.#

Am I missing something?

ND Mallet -> RE: 2v2 - leaving players (5/9/2013 9:17:06)

So if I get a low level partner against two level 35s I could just trick him into leaving or insult him enough that he rage quits so I don't get a loss? It's entirely way too easy to survive a full round and abuse this, barring super strength/support builds that both crit you for 60+ But even then I could just chuck in a high leveled FM so I can survive the next attack.

Drianx -> RE: 2v2 - leaving players (5/9/2013 12:15:35)

So what?

The situation you described - a 35 and a low lvl vs 2x 35s - is broken player matching anyway, team 1 is meant to lose. And this is unfair. Why do you insist that they should get the loss regardless?

ND Mallet -> RE: 2v2 - leaving players (5/9/2013 12:24:59)

The point is that it can and will be abused. What if the other team focuses on one guy and he stalls for as long as he can and right before dying he leaves the match? The other guy would then have to stall as long as he could against the other guys and he wouldn't get a loss. This tactic could be abused to stall someone in the 2vs2 board with little repercussions to the players(aside from the player who leaves and gets a loss).

Drianx -> RE: 2v2 - leaving players (5/9/2013 13:00:31)

I think this can easily be done now as well. I really the doubt the perspective of getting a few losses is the only thing that stops people from doing such scenarios right now.

I think we should just move on from seeing abuses everywhere and from making rules out of very particular exceptions. Just saying, no flaming intended.

goldslayer1 -> RE: 2v2 - leaving players (5/9/2013 13:10:20)


The point is that it can and will be abused.

dummying is also abused in 2 vs 2. and the staff called this a "tactic". IIRC u defended them on this.

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