Absol-ution I (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Absol-ution I (5/9/2013 10:13:33)

Absol-ution Part I
The D.E.N.N.I.E. Phantom

Location: Travel Map » Granemor » General Herous' Tower » 15: Absol-ution Saga » 1: The D.E.N.N.I.E. Phantom

«Scene: Inside a cabin. Gaiden talks to «You».»

Gaiden: Thank you for coming, «You».
«You»: I got here as soon as I could. What's up, Gaiden?
Gaiden: It is about my Dad and my Father. Dad, come in.

«Ryuusei enters, his hair all grayed and looking very haggard, using his cane to support himself...»

«You»: Ryuusei...? What's happened to you?
Ryuusei: I have not slept in over two weeks, and even before that my dreams have been plagued.
«You»: Plagued?
Ryuusei: Strange symbols fill the sky and fire rains up from the ground as the earth tears itself apart.
«You»: That does not sound very normal, or very pleasant.
Ryuusei: That's not all.
«You»: Not all of the dreams, or not all of what's wrong with you?
Ryuusei: Mu.
«You»: Ah, so both, I take it.
Ryuusei: Yes. I am not in any of the dreams.
«You»: That is unusual.
Ryuusei: It gets worse. All of the dreams have my analog in them, and in every single one he is dead. He literally decays until he is as skeletal as Death itself.
«You»: Ryuusei, I hate to bear bad news, but for all we know Cartwright is already dead. Absolix seemed quite set on his course.
Gaiden: My brother is misguided, but he is neither stupid nor limited. He would not simply kill him. He clearly had more in mind than simply killing him or he never would have taken him from Lore.
Ryuusei: My analog lives. I am certain of that. We would know if he was dead.
Gaiden: Dad thinks that if Father dies he will too.
«You»: ...Isn't that a bit unusual? If that were the case, an accident in one world could kill you in all of them.
Ryuusei: We are tied more closely than most, given our directly shared past and our son. Most analogs do not spend nearly as much time as I did with mine and am now doing.
Gaiden: There was the Shayrils, Dad...
Ryuusei: Yes, but she too is a singular case.
«You»: From what I understand of analogs, being that close is apt to cause them to re-merge, isn't it? What's the word Falerin used? ... “Re-cohere”?
Ryuusei: That is correct. Reality tends toward conservation of analogs. Only those substantially different enough ever remain separated.
«You»: Which would qualify you immediately. You are nothing like your analog...
Gaiden: Oh, I don't know about that. They both have a similar sense of style.
Ryuusei: As much as I appreciate the sentiment... Nevermind, the differences between my analog and I are of very much secondary importance now.
Ryuusei: Just trust me when I tell you. I would know...
«You»: Alright, fair enough. So what can we do?
Ryuusei: I have managed to determine from my analog's records the places it was that Absolix was sent for re-education.
«You»: Places? More than one?
Ryuusei: Oh yes. For some time Absolix was sent to a Dr. Louis Zephyr's Orphic School on Terra, which caters to those with unusual talents...
Ryuusei: But he quickly mastered the regular curriculum and moved on to advanced study closer to home.
«You»: Well, that's good. I'm not sure we could get to Terra without serious help.
Ryuusei: Unfortunately his second school is not on Lore either. It is near the Kresh Nebula.
«You»: I know that constellation, the spider, isn't it? It's right near the two fish. ...What are they called again...
Gaiden: Pisces? That's a Terran constellation.
«You»: No, not Pisces, the Cesmundwandai.
Ryuusei: The Kresh Nebula is... not a very stable region. It is given to some disturbing phenomena.
«You»: ...Like what?
Ryuusei: All sorts of unpleasantries: equipment failures, odd eddies in space, bizarre phenomena of every order, and sometimes things just go POOF!
Ryuusei: The rumors of the nebula remind me of a Terran region called the Bermuda Triangle, actually, but on a massive scale...
«You»: Sounds icky.
Ryuusei: It is icky. Icky with a capital I. Without a ship I have no hope.
Gaiden: Which is where you come in.
«You»: What!? I don't have a ship. Where am I going to get a ship? I can't just wish for one. My fairy godparents are on vacation.
Ryuusei: We were hoping you could convince Lady Celestra to aid us.
«You»: The Huntress.
Ryuusei: Yes. She has a ship, doesn't she? And Galrick is a friend.
«You»: Of you, perhaps, but I am not so sure Celestra is going to want to go for a search through the Kresh Nebula to rescue an ex-Network general who was responsible for a great deal of harm.
«You»: Besides, it is Pra'mithia's ship; she can't just commandeer it.
Ryuusei: Oh... Oh well, then. Thank you for coming.
«You»: You're going to give up, just like that?
Ryuusei: You have done much for Gaiden and I already. More than we ever had right to ask. If you cannot help us, we will have to be satisfied.
«You»: Ryuusei, my man, that's not how it's done. You have to cajole and wheedle and wear me down.
Ryuusei: No no. I owe you far too much already. If you are comfortable with my analog being out there with Absolix...
Gaiden: Suffering an unknown fate...
Ryuusei: Doing unknown things...
«You»: ...
«You»: You really are his analog. I will speak to Celestra.

«The scene changes, now overlooking the planet of Lore. A massive spacecraft flies into the scene.»

The LSS Alteon

«Scene: LSS Alteon»

Queen Pra`mithia: Ordinarily I would be happy to aid you in the endeavor. Unfortunately, the Alteon is currently undergoing retrofitting and we will be in dry dock for some time.
Celestra: My husband may be able to assist you. He served for a time as Falerin's avatar and he has a trick or two up his sleeve, and a favor or two he can call in.
Celestra: Of course, given this is Ryuusei Cartwright you're talking about saving...
«You»: Right, forget I asked. Cartwright killed Galrick; he has every reason to hate him.
Galrick: No. I will do it. I know Ryu and his son. If this is important to them, then I will help Cartwright. Give me a few days, though. I'll send a message to you where we must meet. I will need to call in favors.
Lkeas: Galrick, I would like to come with you.
Galrick: Are you sure, Lkeas? Ryuusei merely killed me, he collapsed your analogs before shooting you and nearly uncreated you in the process.
Lkeas: That's precisely why I feel I must go. The pain of what Cartwright did to me may haunt my visions for the rest of my days, but his analog and son have become close friends of mine.
Lkeas: The`Galin works in mysterious ways... there may yet be more layers to uncover.
«You»: Okay. Thank you, Galrick.

«The scene shifts to the mountainous region in Mt. Thrall. »

Near The Order Crash Site - Mt. Thrall

«Ryuusei and Gaiden enter the scene.»

«You»: I wonder why Galrick said to meet him at the Order crash site, of all places.
«You»: Doesn't matter much, I guess. We're almost there.
Gaiden: Don't look now, but we seem to have company.

Who will you battle with?
  • Gaiden!
  • Ryuusei!
  • By Yourself!

    «Regardless of choice»
      8 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2, #4, #6 and #8
    «Ryuusei, Gaiden, and «You» reach the peak of a mountain where Lkeas, Hollow and Galrick are waiting.»

    Hollow: Hello Gaiden, Ryuusei, «You».
    Hollow: I understand you want me to use Order technology to help rescue Twain...
    Hollow: It is only because Galrick and Lkeas are asking that I am even considering it. Twain had my son attacked with the Cold, and nearly cost him everything...
    Galrick: Daniel survived, though...
    Lkeas: I do not think that matters Galrick.
    Hollow: Of course not, the mere suggestion makes me want-- *sigh* If Jess got wind of the fact that I was trying to use the D.E.N.N.I.E. Phantom to save Twain of all people...
    «You»: The Deni Phantom?
    Galrick: A bit of technology Hollow is working on with Vince. Trying to augment future technology with Magitech. The Phantom is a ship, a small one.
    «You»: So what's Deni?
    Hollow: Not Deny, not Deni, but D.E.N.N.I.E. Phantom. It has to do with the engine. Digital Elliptical Narrow Navigation in Etherspace.
    Galrick: Rather than travelling through space like the Alteon, or the Void like the Network Void ships, among other things, the Phantom travels through a fictional construct called Etherspace.
    «You»: Wait, it travels through a fictional construct? How's that work?
    Galrick: Very improbably...
    «You»: Right.
    Hollow: It is not quite fictional. Etherspace is a mental projection created in the Astral Plane and maintained by the collective minds of all that travel that plane.
    Hollow: You can get between any two points in the physical realm through etherspace.
    «You»: But...
    Hollow: But it won't be at all easy. There is no telling what we will encounter...
    «You»: Why didn't I just ask Falerin again?
    Lkeas: Do you really think it would have been easier to deal with the Loremaster?
    «You»: Point.
    Hollow: Give us a few days to stock the ship and run some last tests... then let's all meet on the Launch Pad near K'eld Alorin on Vandar.
    «You»: Very well. Thank you, Hollow.

    «Hollow nods.»
    Absol-ution part 1

  • Assault Edge [L. 18, 38, 58, 78, 98, 118]
  • Assault Edge Z [L. 36 Z]
  • Guardian Assault Edge [L. 138 G, 148 G]

  • Quog [L. 18]
  • Glador [L. 18]
  • Glador [L. 36 Z]
  • Quog [L. 38]
  • Glador [L. 38]

  • Quog [L. 58]
  • Glador [L. 58]
  • Glador [L. 78]
  • Quog [L. 78]
  • Quog [L. 88 Z]

  • Quog [L. 98]
  • Glador [L. 98]
  • Glador [L. 108 Z]
  • Glador [L. 118]
  • Quog [L. 118]

  • Quog [L. 138 G]
  • Glador [L. 138 G]
  • Quog [L. 141 Z]
  • Quog [L. 148 G]
  • Glador [L. 148 G]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Entry thanks to BlacKitten25. Location thanks to In Media Res.
    Monster ListMonster list thanks to In Media Res.

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