LVL 32s in 2vs2 matches -.- (Full Version)

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DeeChamp -> LVL 32s in 2vs2 matches -.- (5/10/2013 18:47:04)

2vs2 is pretty challenging when fighting 2 lvl 35s that are fully geared and have good builds.And i can get a lvl 34 on a team, you can still work with them, but a lvl 32 is far to low. they get slaughtered in 1 to 2 turns and dont do much damage to help. if u heal them u waste energy and if u dont its pretty much 1vs2. a team with a lvl 35 and 32 against another team of 35 and 32 is even but not 2 35s and a 32. and a lot of the times they leave. is there a way to stop 32s from entering the fight or giving the lvl 35 and 32 a little extra help. like increased rage gain or the 32 goes first no matter. something needs to b done because in omega is hard enough to jugg. its near impossible to jugg 2 lvl 35s

Mother1 -> RE: LVL 32s in 2vs2 matches -.- (5/10/2013 19:04:15)

Not without making cap level players wait longer since they have the smallest player pool out of all the levels. When they made this system they made it for finding fast fights rather then level equality. But I remember Rabble saying they would do something about this as well to help higher and lower level players granted that higher levels can agree to a wait a little longer for a same level match up.

But on another note most of the time when I am put with a group of lower levels they 9 times out of 10 give the person who would make me go last the first turn which in many cases is deadly to me.

toopygoo -> RE: LVL 32s in 2vs2 matches -.- (5/10/2013 22:56:38)

see i dont have this problem with my merc build... it was level 32 (got it to 33 3 days ago)
it was pure sheild with big heals.
all i had to do was support my partner with lots of regenerative skills, and demage debuffs. i could keep my partner alive for 2 rage phases, and then when they would start attacking me, i could usually build rage up fast while taking low damage, and could win a 2v1 2/5 times, or 1v1 4/5 times.

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